Chapter 41 (A Cup of Tea)

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Once Yunan and the others left, Luna got in the house again..

"What are you doing..?" She asked, looking at Levi who was standing out of the room..

"Why have you left the bed..?" She continued with worry...

"I'm sick of sleeping like dead all this time..." he answered with his usual bleak accent

"But... your injury.. you shouldn't push yourse-"

"I'm better now.. Luna... it doesn't hurt that much.. so stop treating me like a child.." he stared at her

"O.. okay... sorry.." She gave up with a sigh

"Anyways... who were those two flying brats..?" He asked referring to Aladdin and Titus...

"They're Yunan's friends, he asked them for help.. I'll tell you more but let me prepare something to eat first.. so you could take your medicine..." she continued and passed him into the kitchen..

He took a seat around the table.. watching her while she was preparing breakfast , the scent of tea filled the place.. it was enough for him to feel ease..

"This tea.. it tastes different from the last one..." he said after the first sip..

"Oh.. yes, I added some cardamom..." She smiled

"Cardamom... what is that?" he questioned

"It's some kind of spice made from the seed of plants, I often collect them along with the tea herbs from the woods near our house..." she answered

"I see.... we used to have only plain black tea.. I liked it that way... but, this one... I think it's better..." he said.. staring at his cup

"Glad to hear that.." she gave him a cheerful smile..

"So... who were those two kids..?" he placed his cup down and looked at her

She started to tell him about the two other Magi's and the reason of their contribution in the mission.. he was listening carefully, trying to understand more... not just about Yunan's plan..

He wanted to know more about those things that he happened to see recently, magicians, warriors, Magi, and many other things in this world, he always hated to be nescient, he believed that his nation's tardiness was the main weak point that caused them into this chaos, and Luna hasn't held back anything of her knowledge from him..

She sat with him for a couple of hours, explaining to him about almost everything she knew about this world and the different things that she learned or heard from Yunan...

"I'm sorry... I stuffed your mind with a pile of facts at one time.." she said with a bashful smile

"No,,," he nodded... "Thank you for explaining all these things to me..." he replied straightly

"Actually.. I want to know more things as long as I stay here... if it's possible.." he continued looking at her

"Hmm,, I think I have some books that could help you with that..."

She said and rushed to her Master's library, after some time she got out with a couple of books..

"Here.. these are History books.. they talk about almost every nation, and explains different events that took place in this world.." She handed him the books with a gentle glance..

"Oh.. that'll help a lot.. thank you.." he took the books and read the titles carefully..

(A Trip Through Different Nations ) and (East and Asians)

The first one was written By Yunan, and the other one belonged to an old historian who lived in Kou Empire and traveled through the Eastern Empires and Kingdoms..

"They look... interesting.." He told himself.. the title of the second book caught his attention... "Asians... Huh.." He mumbled... as a particular person came to his mind at that moment... His female subordinate ... Mikasa Ackerman

"Well.. you can take a look at them after you get some rest..." She said..

"Ahhh... here we go again... What did I just say a while ago..??!" He complained

"Don't treat me like a child Luna"  She imitated him and followed it with a soft laugh..

"I - really - am not ... but you DO need to have some rest to get better as soon as possible... and.... how about another cup of tea while reading those books.." continued and gave him a cunning smile..

He looked at her.. then released a surrendered sigh..

"You really are sly Luna... aren't you?" He murmured

"Hmm.. Sly..? I don't know what are you talking about.." She smiled cheerfully

"Fine..." he said as he got up and walked to her room..

"I'm waiting for my cup of tea.." he gave her an irritated look and got inside

"I'll bring it in a minute.." ^^

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