Chapter 35 (Last Friend)

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One day has passed since Hange and Levi arrived...

Hange spent most of the time with Yunan in his grand room, exchanging information, and trying to make a counter plan for Eren and Zeke's one.

Yunan has finally understood the true origin of Titans, the story of their founder Ymir, and their powers and abilities, thanks to Hange's knowledge.

Hange as well started to know more about this world, as he told her about the powerful empires and kingdoms, about the strong warriors and how they use their Magoi in wars and battles, of course he told her what does the Magoi means, he also told her about Magicians and the Magi.. explaining to her that saving her along with Levi , transferring them here , and healing Levi's wounds was some of his abilities as a Magi..

"This is the real world... huh.. we spent our whole lives thinking that those walls were protecting us from extinction , believing that we were all what has been left from the humankind.. what a pity.." She said with dark sarcasm..

In the meanwhile..

Luna was sitting next to her bed where the corporal was laying in, reading a book about some rare medical herbs, when she suddenly heard a weak sough coming from him while he was still unconscious...

She lowered her face and took a closer look at him..

He opened his eyes slowly...

"Mo...ther..." He whispered vulnerably.. then closed his eyes again...

She didn't hear what he said...

"Hey... are you awake...?" she asked with a low tone .. but there was no respond...

Moments later.. she noticed that his breathing became hard again, sweat was dripping from his forehead.. she placed her hand on it to feel a high fever coming from him...

"This is bad... he has a high fever.." She mumbled with worry..

"What's wrong..? Is he alright..?" She heard Hange's voice behind her cutting out her thoughts..

"He's got a fever.." she replied ... "I'll go and prepare some cold compresses" She continued walking in a hurry to the kitchen..

Hange took a fast glance at her then turned her face to her wounded comrade..

She took the seat which Luna was sitting on and stared at him...

"Oi... Levi.. can't you hear me yet..?" She said with sorrowful eyes as she held his hand..

"You know.. it's my first time.. seeing you like that... since I've met you, you were always reliable, strong, invincible, at least in the outside... I know your heart was always full of regrets and sorrow... that applies at me as well, at every single scout of us..." Her face revealed a sad smile..

Luna was about to step inside the room when she heard Hange's words.. and decided not to interfere... she remained standing behind the door...

"Hey... Levi... you're the last one left.. of my old friends... I never thought I'd feel that way... but I'm really scared.. of being left behind... after all what we have done, reaching all this limit together" She said with a throttled voice, and felt a single tear, running on her cheek..

"So please... my little friend... don't leave me alone.. not now.." She continued with a begging tone, holding his hand tightly..

Luna felt sorry for the commander...

"I don't know their true past yet, but they really don't deserve a life like that..  those two, and all their people.." She thought...

Hange stopped, and fastly replaced her sad gazes with normal ones when she heard a soft knock on the door before it was slowly opened..

" I brought some cold compresses.." Luna stated as she was entering the room..

"Umm" Hange nodded silently, looking at the young woman..

"Don't worry Hange-San, he'll get well soon, as long as Yunan-San treated his serious wounds, he'll be fine" Luna insured with a soft comforting voice, after she sat next to Levi and placed a cold wet cloth on his forehead...

"Yes.. I hope so..." Hange replied..

"By the way... your name is Luna isn't it...?" She continued

"Yes.." Luna smiled , looking at the commander's direction..

"Well... thank you.. for saving his life, earlier.." Hange smiled back..

"Oh.. I haven't done anything, Yunan was the one who saved his life..." Luna explained

"But you were the one who revived his heart" she gave her a wide smile..

Luna has honestly forgot about what she had done in that time, until Hange reminded her of it..

She slowly remembered and realized what happened, feeling the heat gradually rising up to her cheeks..

"You know something Luna..." Hange approached Luna's face at sudden giving her a creepy stare through her glasses, directly into poor Luna's eyes..

".... I don't think he'd be pleased if he knew what you have done to him..." she grinned

"Wh.. what..?" Luna was confused

"You know.. I'm talking about the kiss..." the glasses woman whispered

"Huh...?" Luna's face was turning awfully red..  "..... No..!! you can't call it like that... I was just.. just focusing on saving his life..!" she tried to clarify her intention

"Ha Ha.. don't be so scared.. I'm just kidding.." Hange laughed and backed off..

"Well, speaking about that... this sleeping guy is nothing but a short stubborn clean-freak, I've known him for years... but never have seen him caring for someone in a private way... I'm sure he's never been in a relationship..." She continued putting her palm under her chin.. trying to remember more about their past..

Luna looked away while her face was still blushing...

"Why is she telling me that anyway?" The young girl thought..

However, she continued changing the wet cloth and placing it on his forehead again... trying to forget her embarrassment..

"Wait a minute.. what if that really was his first time..?" Hange wondered out loud without knowing the other girl was paying attention...

"C.. could you just... forget about it, Hange-San..?" Luna spoke weakly, the heat rising in her cheeks made her feel like she needed those cold compresses too..

"Ahh.. Sorry.. I'm such a big mouth... forgive me.." She chuckled..

"No... " Luna nodded "I'm really glad that you both are saved.. and here with us, and I'm sure my Master will find a way to help you with your problem..." she continued, giving her a warm smile

"Yes... I hope so.." The female commander smiled back...

"Well well.. you're getting along together.." Yunan said with a low voice standing at the room's enterance..

"I'm going to prepare dinner, Luna could you help me..?" He asked

"I'll help you.." Hange answered as she got up from her chair...

"Please take care of him.." she turned her face smiling slightly at Luna then followed Yunan outside the room...

Luna returned back to what she was doing...

While changing the wet cloth and placing it again on his forehead, a sudden flashback came to her memory...

In that tent... at the silent night... treating someone... a warm feeling... a soft voice... and a nice scent...

She looked at the dark sky from her window... thinking about them... It's been long since the last time she's watched them in her vision spell..

"Jae-ha.... I wonder what are you doing right now..." she thought with a sad face..

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