Chapter 16 (My fault...)

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In that night she remained awake for a late hour taking care of Jae-ha, who remained suffering a deep pain from his wound, the pain was showing on his features, but he remained silent and patient, Luna's heart was hurt, seeing him in that situation was very painful, she kept the wet cloth on several places of his body in order to cool him down, then brought out a small bottle containing some special medicine.

"Here, drink this, it'll reduce your pain and help you getting some sleep" she said while she helped him lift his upper body to drink the medicine.

"I'm sorry for being such a trouble for you" he said gazing at her eyes sadly ..

"No, p.. please don't say this" she blushed and turned her face away, she cleaned her throat and continued :
"you're not a trouble or anything like that, now just rest your body and try to get some sleep.."

His eyes softened at her as he nodded back and rested his body again to his sleeping sheet..

After some time, he started to feel a little better as his temperature reduced a little bit, and gave up to some sleep, she took off the wet piece of cloth from his forehead, drenched it again in water, squeezed it, and placed it on the sides of his neck to make sure cooling his temperature well, and unconsciously, she found herself staring at his peaceful sleepy face..

"It was my fault, if only I've used my power to protect you from that arrow, you wouldn't have ended up injured like this, what type of shields am I, if I couldn't protect you from a silly thing like that??"

she was blaming herself, her heart was full of guilt and sorrow, while tears dropped down from her eyes, she remained sobbing silently, while holding his hand, her Magoi flowed into him through her hand, healing his body gradually, she kept like that until she fell into deep sleep..

In the morning she woke up at some strange sounds, she furrowed her eyebrows, and rubbed her eyes, trying to realize what's going on, she lift her body up to see that she was covered with some sheet, she looked around and there was no one in the tent..

She jumped quickly from the ground and rushed out of the tent, to see Jae-ha bending by a pile of wooden branches and trying to light some fire.

"Hey... you've woke up, good morning.. " he turned his face smiling to her when he heard her footsteps

"What.. what are you doing? why did you get up ?!" she said with an upset face

"Aha ha.. calm down please, I'm fine, I woke up early and thought that we need fire to make some food" he chuckled

"What fire? What food?! Please don't just move around so freely, you haven't recovered yet, and your wound is pretty serious!" she said emotionally trying to get him back to rest inside

"Trust me young Miss, I'm better now, besides, my body didn't used to get that huge amount of sleep, this is not pretty you know" he said pretending to be annoyed

She said, giving him an irritated stare :
"Fine, do as you like, but don't push yourself too hard, whenever you feel tired just rest please"

He nodded with a wide smile and patted on her head, she turned her blushing face down, hiding it from his looks..

"By the way, I haven't got the chance to know my rescuer lady's name yet" He asked softly

"It's.... Luna..." She answered raising her face up to him

"Nice to meet you Luna, I realize that you know my name but I find it awkward not to introduce myself either" he smiled then continued:
"I'm Jae-ha, the flying dragon.. "

" Pleased to meet you too, Jae-ha.." she replied with a soft smile

After some moments of silence, Jae-ha suggested preparing some food for breakfast...

"I'll go catch some fish, and search for some useful herbs to make some soup for you" she said

"I'll come with you" he replied,

She looked at him with worry, "You don't have to, I can get them by myself, just rest here"

He bended close to her face and narrowed his eyes

"Do I look to you like a man who leaves a young girl to wander in a forest alone?!" He said with a whispering low voice

Her guard was caught off by these words, her eyes widened and her face turned pink.

He stared at her face and released a genuine laugh.

"Do as you like... and I'm not a young girl!" she looked upset, and passed him to the look for some herbs

"Seriously.. what's his problem?!" she thought with irritation

"So cute..." he thought to himself while following her..

They wandered for some time in the forest; she found some mushrooms under a tree, and some herbs that are useful for cooking

They returned near the river, in order to catch some fish, she stared at the water for a minuet thinking of a way to catch them, then pulled out her wand, pointed it to a spot in the river and made it flow up towards her direction and threw out two fishes which laid near her foot.

"What was that?" Jae-ha asked with astonishment

"Some magic, I guess" She replied with a soft chuckle

"You are full of surprises aren't you" he looked at her with confusion

"Well, let's not waste time and prepare food already" she rushed in front of him to the fire and started to prepare a mushroom soup while he placed the fish on sticks above the fire.. and went inside to get some rest.

After less than an hour, the food was ready, she poured some soup and served it along with the fish stick inside the tent, she didn't like to get him out so he could rest well.

"You should have called me to have it outside" he complained

"It's okay, there's no difference you know, now eat it before it gets cold" she replied with a smile

"This is really delicious, it reminds me of Yuns'" he said with satisfaction after trying the soup..

"Thanks a lot, it was so good" he said after finishing

She nodded with a soft gaze

"Luna.." he said with a serious tone after some minuets of silence

"Yes?" she replied keeping her warm smile

"You were crying, last night, why?" he asked with sad eyes

"Wh.. what are you talking about?" she stuttered

He remained silent, as her smile faded away and her face came to be gloomy

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