Chapter 37 ( The First Plan )

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"Oi.. Levi.. aren't you hearing..?" Hange asked with curiosity

"Huh..?" His thoughts were stopped by Hange's calling

"How do you feel now..? Are you alright?" Luna asked him standing next to the bed

He nodded slowly but his eyes looked confused..

"Oh sorry, I haven't introduced myself yet, I'm Luna, I live here along with my Master Yunan.. it's nice to meet you, Captain Levi"  she gave him a friendly smile.

"Umm.." He nodded again, as the confusion faded away slowly from his eyes..

"I'm going to tell Yunan-San that he's awake" She said turning her face to Hange, and rushed out of the room

"That girl, she is so kind.." Hange said smiling slightly..

Levi remained silent as he tried again to get his upper body up..

"Don't push yourself hard.. let me help you" She got up from her chair and helped him getting up, placing the pillow behind his back..

"Is this okay? are you feeling well?" She asked him

"Yes yes, just don't treat me like this, I'm not an old man, Tch.." he glared at her

"Anyways, what were you saying about that woman?" He asked emotionlessly trying to hide his curiosity about Luna

"I was talking about Luna, you know she was taking good care of you, all those days while you were unconscious, remember to thank her later.."

"Oh.. I see.." he said looking at his bandaged hands..

"Well, you have woke up, finally, Good morning, Levi-San" Yunan greeted as he walked inside the room

"Good.. morning.." Levi mumbled, staring at the blonde man who's smiling at him.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Yunan and this is my student Luna, I believe Hange-San was telling you about us" Yunan said softly..

"Yes.. she was.. well, thank you, for helping us.." Levi replied with his cold usual features..

"It was nothing, anyways, welcome here, feel free to consider it as your home, and don't push yourself too hard, you need more days to recover well" Yunan stated as his soft glances turned into a serious look

Levi turned his face to Hange giving her worried gazes, however, Yunan understood his looks

"I know you're worried about what's happening in your homeland, I already discussed the situation with Hange-San while you were sleeping.. and we made a plan, If it succeeded, the Land of Eldia could be protected for some time without the need of using Wall Titans powers" Yunan told and turned his face to the commander..

"Hange-San, please explain our plan to him.." he asked.. and got out from the room followed by Luna who gave them a last look and got out as well..

"Come on my dear, let's prepare some breakfast" Yunan was talking to Luna as they reached the kitchen..

In the meantime, Hange looked at Levi, cleared her throat and started telling him about what she has discussed along with the Magi..

"Look Levi, from what I've learned and seen those past days, it looks like there are things bigger than the ocean we have seen, stronger than the threatening of our enemies, and more confusing than anything we've been through.." she began with these words..

"Tch.. what's the new with that..? we've always been the last ones who know something here.. Our lag is the reason for our miserable lives and decisions.. " He said sarcastically..

"Yes.. I know, but that's not our matter right now, let me explain it to you in a simple way.." Hange got closer to him and started to dig in the main issue..

"Our main concern now is to prevent Eren and Zeke from doing whatever they are planning to do.. which mostly is freeing the titans of the walls.." she explained

"So..?" he gave her a questioning look

"I'll go with Yunan, stop them before they meet, capture them and bring them back here.." she stated all of these at once

"Huh..?" His eyes widened with jumble

"As I said, I'll go with him and find them before creating any other mess, and you'll stay here until you recover.." She ordered


"No complains Levi, I decided that and I'm going to do it.." she said determinedly

"Oi..Shitty glasses..!! are you insane..?! no, you're already like that..! what's with this dumb plan..?" He glared with anger

"Don't you know who you're dealing with..? they will wear you out like a filthy cockroach within seconds" He continued as his voice became louder..

"Yes I know, but they do not know who they're dealing with, this time.. not Eren, nor his brother..!" she effervesced

He remained silent not knowing what did she mean by that, but still angry..

"Levi, haven't you thought how could you survived from that thunder spear..? I know you're an Ackerman, but that wouldn't prevent you from certain death.. " She stopped for a moment, looking at his confused face..

"That man, he was the one who healed your serious wounds and stopped your bleeding within minutes, he is not normal, he's abilities are more than you can imagine, I believe both of the Jaeger brothers won't get a chance in front of his powers, besides, he has abilities that could help in protecting the paradise without the need of Titans powers, it could stop Marley from attempting their counter-attack...   and just like I told you before, we know nothing yet about this world, so stop being so genius.." she said with severity

He remained silent for some moments, finally released a sigh..

"Fine, but I'll go with you... you're not doing all of this on your own, besides, I can't trust someone who I've just met and barely know" He said quietly..

"No you're not, not with this case of yours, you can't even move your body.. you'll stay here, with that young miss and rest well.." She replied

"Yes I will.. I don't have to recover well in order to join you, and I can't have you do this alone.. what if you died there..?!" His voice became louder as he effervesced..

"Then you'll be the next commander... " She answered briefly

"Oi..! Hange..!!" He yelled with anger!

"You think Erwin would be pleased if he was here..? having you sacrifice yourself for a silly reason..? after all this time..?" she asked looking through his eyes..

He froze out once he heard that name..  glaring at her..

"You almost forgot that I'm your superior, you'll stay here and that's an order.." She stated quietly and got up from her chair and went out of the room..

"Tch..Damn it..!" He cursed with rage..

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