Chapter 12 (We Won but...)

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Jae-ha and the others continued fighting the enemy troops along with the fire and sky tribes, it didn't take long for them to turn the battle results for Kouka forces, the soldier's spirits were raised up seeing the dragons fighting along with them again, however, they were confused by the sudden change of situation, it was a huge relief to see their powers helping them again.

As for the dragons, they had a different matter to think about right now, their eyes were caught by the strength of Ali Baba and his unique style in battling the enemy soldiers; no one had a chance in front of him.

"What do you think, Ryokuryuu?" Zeno asked while backing Jae-ha and continuing to fight

"Well, he's pretty good, actually his fighting skill is pleasant to the eye" Jae-ha smirked

"He substituted the absence of Hak and Shin-ah perfectly" Kija said as he smashed a near soldier.

"It's not only that, there is a strange aura shining out from him, I feel a huge amount of energy in the air, he's not just a skilled warrior" Zeno said referring to Ali Baba's Magoi.

"Well, talking about that, the girl who took Yona and the others away wasn't normal too, and that flying carpet...  anyway, we'll know everything as soon as we're done of this mess" Jae-ha replied.

The war didn't take so long after that, Kai armies began to retreat, led by their leader Yang Kuelbo who hasn't known yet about the dragons..

"Sir, the dragons have betrayed us" cried a soldier as he approached his leader

"What!? How dare they?! Don't they care about their beloved princess?!" Kuelbo shouted furiously

"I... I have just got a message from the castle Sir, and I'm afraid the princess has escaped away by the help of strange people" said the soldier with fear

"What?! How could she get out, who helped her!! That damn priest, I'm going to slaughter him once I go back" Kuelbo said with a voice full of wrath

"Anyways, I'll not return with empty hands, I'll bring them back with me or kill them before we retreat even if that was the last thing to do in my life"

Now, his heart is full of grudge against the dragons..


Tae-Jun approached the dragons trying to ask them about Hak, his eyes were also caught by Ali Baba, who became very noticeable at the battlefield but no one knew his identity.

"Hey, where's Hak? He got a serious injury through the battle" he asked Kija worriedly.

"Jae-ha took him away to be treated" answered Kija

"Listen I know it's not the right time, but who really is this guy, fighting along with us?" he asked with a confused face

"He came to help us along with some strange girl, they saved the princess and Yun, and came to help in this battle" Kija told him as he continued to fight the remaining soldiers

"Wait! Really?! Thank God, I was worried like hell about them" he stopped for some moments killing an approaching warrior

Then continued

"Listen Kija, I have a special small mansion inside the west forests of our land, no one knows about it, after this battle ends, tell the others and head immediately to it, I don't want that bloody advisor of Su-Won to get closer to you, he's dangerous," said Tae-Jun as he handed a small letter to Kija

"There are some servants of mine, who live in that place, give them this message so they could let you stay, I happened to write it before we head to the war, expecting for any bad situation" he said determinedly

"Thank you, the princess would appreciate it, we really need a place to hide in until my brothers regain their strengths" Kija looked at him with grateful eyes

The battle was almost at its end when Luna arrived, and took a look for Ali Baba and the dragons..

"There you are" she said and headed down to get them, and landed near Ali Baba

"Where are the others?" he asked

"I left them in a safe place after I took care of Hak's wound, I suppose the war came to an end" she replied quickly

"Well yes, Kouka forces won and Kai is retreating" he said looking at the battlefield that was filled with Kouka soldiers

"Come on then, let's get the dragons and get out of here quickly, from what I've seen, Jae-ha situation is not good and he needs medical care immediately" she said worriedly

He nodded and headed to where the dragons were gathering.

"Come on we should leave, there's no need of us anymore here, the tribe's soldiers can handle the remaining enemy warriors" said Ali Baba

The dragons saw Luna standing away with her carpet waiting for them, but she wasn't unnoticeable anymore, her scene took off the eyes of Kouka soldiers, and she felt uncomfortable with that.

"Zeno, Kija-Kun, you too go before me, I'll catch you after I get rid of those remaining soldiers who still after us" said Jae-ha with a serious face

"No, we'll fight them with-" Kija stopped his sentence by the angry glare of Jae-ha

"Can't you see?! That girl landed on the battlefield waiting for us, she might get hurt!  We don't have much time, go! I'll deal with them fast and catch you soon" Jae-ha said furiously

Kija nodded and followed Ali Baba along with Zeno

"Now, come here you little cowards, I'll make sure to get rid of you in a very pretty way" he grinned

The soldiers rushed to him waving their swords as he jumped in the air and shot his arrows into them, then landed again knocking them off by his kicks until their leader showed up in front of him, it was Yang Kuelbo

"Well, well, you don't know how to give up, do you?" Jae-ha said sarcastically

"Yes, actually I don't" he smirked

"My apologies, but I really don't have the time and intention to deal with you, so let's just finish this quickly" Jae-ha said as he attacked him instantly

Kuelbo was pretty strong, Jae-ha couldn't deal with him simply, the way he did with his troops, however, he didn't waste time, and continued attacking him with his blades, then giving him a final kick that threw him off his horse

"This is my chance, this man is tough and I don't have much time anymore" he thought as he jumped away looking for his brothers to catch them up

"Found them" he said and rushed to another jump to reach Luna's flying carpet when suddenly, he felt a horrible pain in his chest at the moment he reached the carpet, he was about to fall down when Kija grabbed his hand strongly and pulled him to the surface

"Jae-ha! Are you alright?!" Kija said with panic when he saw his older brother drenched in his blood, with an arrow in his body...

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