Chapter 33 ( The Magi Rescues )

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"He is not breathing..." Said Hange with shaking voice and depressed eyes...

"Levi... Captain Levi..!" Luna preceded her Master and rushed to the corporal's injured body.. examined him quickly...

"He inhaled an amount of water.." She said worriedly... and started to press rapidly on his chest, trying to resuscitate his heart, but there was no respond..

She suddenly felt her tears falling down again.. silently.. dropping onto his injured face..

"Please... Please don't die.. They... need you...!" She begged silently.. , and pressed onto his chest twice more..

Trying desperately to save his life.. she got close to his face and placed her lips over his cold pale ones..
She blowed air slightly into his lungs.. he suddenly coughed all the water out after she backed off, but yet he was breathing hard...

"Let me handle this, Luna.." Yunan said from behind her , she quickly responded to his order and backed off, wiping her tears away..

Once Yunan placed his hand on Levi's body, a warm and shiny aura flowed out of him and went through the corporal's injured body...
After some minutes more, Yunan took his hands of Levi - who appeared to breathe normally once again - and released a deep sigh...

"He'll be fine.. I treated his serious inner injures and stopped his bleeding... But he'll take some time to recover..." Yunan said quietly and left him up on his back, carrying him inside the house..

"What... what on the earth was that...?" Hange asked with a vulnerable voice and a stunned eyes..
"Who.. Who are you..?" she continued giving a questioning looks to Luna, who smiled slightly and held her hands..

"First of all, are you alright? Hange-San..? Were you injured somewhere..?" Luna asked carefully..
"I'm... okay.." She mumbled..
"Let's go inside... we'll tell you everything there.." She grabbed her hands lightly and led her inside their house...

Yunan carried Levi inside the house..
"Yunan-San, please, let him in my room, I can take care of him.." Luna asked
"Alright" He responded and headed to Luna's room, placing the injured Corporal on her bed...

"Levi... Can you hear me..?" Hange rushed into him and held his hand with anxiety..
"He is.. just asleep.. don't worry, he'll wake up soon" Yunan tried to comfort her..
"Luna will take care of him right now, you can trust her, she has experience.." he continued giving her a comforting smile..
The female commander responded with a silent nod .. Then started to ask again:

"Please, explain to me, who are you, and where are we...? How did we get here..? and What was that thing you have done..?" She asked all of these questions ot once after a deep silence..

Yunan looked at her for some moments..
"Let's not talk here.. he needs to rest" he stated referring to Levi.. "Come with me.. in my room, I'll explain you everything there" he continued , and led her to his grand room...

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