Chapter 20 (A Warm Night)

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"Jae-ha..." said Shin-ah with a concern, he was sitting with his brothers, Yun, and Ali Baba outside Tae-Jun's hidden mansion

"What?!" answered Yun with surprise

"He is close, I can feel his presence too" replied Kija

"Wow, that young Miss is really brilliant, it didn't take her much time to get back with Ryokuryuu" said Zeno cheerfully

"I'm going to tell Yona and thunder-beast" said Yun and rushed inside the mansion

"So, you made it so fast Luna... I told you , you're different and special..." Ali Baba said with himself, smiling..

It didn't take so long until they saw the flying carpet carrying Luna and Jae-ha, the carpet started to descend until it landed near the mansion..

Yona rushed out to see Jae-ha, she stood in front of him for some moments silently.. her eyes were drowned in tears, she approached then tightened her arms around him, he smiled and hugged her as well..

"I ...was so worried ...about you!" She said while she was sobbing..

"It's okay my dear, I'm here now, there's no need to worry" he said wiping out her tears

"How.. how do you feel right now? Are ... you alright?" She said as she was trying to stop crying

"Yes, much better, but it hurts a little when I press on it" he answered

"Ohh, I'm really sorry, I didn't know" she let him go feeling embarrassed

"It's okay" he chuckled.. "Anyways, this is all because of Luna, she is really a brilliant medic" he smiled looking at Luna who looked down with blushing face..

"It's was nothing" she said

Yona left Jae-ha and headed to Luna..

"Thank you Luna-San, you don't know how much grateful I am, for your help, without you and Ali Baba-San , who knows what would happen to us.. I really appreciate what you have done for us.." Yona said while holding Luna's hands

"It's okay dear.. this is my duty after all" Luna smiled cheerfully, then took a fast glance at Ali Baba who was standing aside and watching her with a delighted face

The dragons rushed to their brother and greeted him..

"Hey.. droopy eyes.." said Hak with a grinning smile

"Hey,, Hak, how's your injury..?" Jae-ha replied

"It's recovering well, that young lady took a good care of it before leaving, and Yun did as well" Hak said pointing at the place of his injury..

Jae-ha smiled..

"I don't know if she was really a shield that was destined to be with us.. She looks more like a beautiful guarding angel to me.." he thought as he was staring at her happy face among them..

The maids and servants of the house prepared a special dinner for the reunion of the dragons..

It was like a small festival.. everyone was happy.. Zeno and Shin-ah were busy trying every single served meal..

Yona sat between Hak and Jae-ha, pleased and relieved to see her family around her again..

Luna excused them and went to take a short walk alone under the moonlight..

Ali Baba was following her as well..

She stopped near a small stream of water

"I know you're here, Ali Baba-Kun, why're you hiding?" She asked turning her face behind

"Ahh.. You got me" he chuckled softly.. "I thought you would prefer some space for yourself, but I didn't like leaving you to wander here alone " he continued

"Well, I wouldn't mind if you accompanied me" she smiled

He walked close to her and they sat together near the spring water..

"You did a great job Luna, Yunan would be so proud you know" said Ali Baba after some minutes of silence..

She nodded and smiled at him

"You did the same either, you helped in defeating the enemy troops, and took care of them when I was away, thanks a lot Ali Baba-Kun, for everything" she said with grateful eyes

"It was nothing.." he grinned

"Actually I enjoyed their company, they remind me somehow of my friends" he said with a slight smile, looking down at the water

"Friends.. you didn't tell me before about the friends of yours" she replied with wonder

"Yes, that's right, you know.. I have lots of friends, in every country that I've visited" he said with a delightful look as if he was seeing them in front of him

"Well.. That's nice" Luna felt excited

"Indeed, but... I do have two special one's.." he stopped for a moment

"Aladdin and Morjana, they are my closest friends" he continued

"Aladdin... Morjana" she wondered

"Yes.. Well, Aladdin is a Magi, just like Yunan-San, and Morjana is a pretty strong girl, who came from the Fanalyis tribe, they are known with their strong powers and battling skills, she lives now with her tribe, in Rem kingdom"

"And... what about Aladdin, where is he?" asked Luna with curiosity

"He is in Magnostadt, the kingdom of magic crafts, he decided to settle there for some time in order to improve his magical skills"

"The Fanalyis tribe.. Magnostadt.. Looks like there is more and more for me to learn about" she sighed looking at the flowing water

"Yes, but it's alright, you'll get to know all of these things by time" he said patting on her shoulder

"Umm" she nodded, that moment, the moonlight was reflected on her face, which made it easier to see in the dark

"Luna.. you look pale, and your face looks pretty tired.." Ali Baba said worriedly

"Oh.. No, I'm fine, maybe it's just because of the long trip, and-" she was interrupted

"Have you used a lot of your Magoi in the past days?!" he asked with a serious accent

", I.. I don't think so.." She stuttered, trying to avoid his looks..

"Well, I think you did" he said with skeptical glance

"Look Luna, I know you used it for healing that guy but you shouldn't use it for a long time, it's dangerous" he said with worry

"It's okay, I'm fine, I just need to rest for a little bit and I'll regain my strength" she looked at him at last

He nodded in silence..

"It's getting late, come on Ali Baba-Kun, we should return to them"

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