Chapter 51 ( Luna )

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" Luna..! Luna can you hear me..?! LUNA!!" Yunan was yelling, shaking Luna's collapsed body hardly..

" Look at her face Yunan-San.." Aladdin interfered .." It's so pale.. she's used almost all of her Magoi..!"

Yunan looked at him for a moment then turned his face again to his young follower, he checked her pulse and temperature..

" She's so cold, and her pulse is extremely weak.." He said with a weak distressed voice, checking the rest of her body..

" She's got a broken rib too.." he said with pain..

" What the hell had happened there..?!" Hange exclaimed with worry

" Oi..! it's not the time for wondering..!!! the girl is dying..! Do something to her..!!!"  Levi shouted and pushed Hange from his way, rushing close to Luna..

Yunan was not hearing them anymore, as he started to use his healing powers on his little girl..

Putting his palm over her chest, his Magoi started to flow through her body, producing a glowing aura and strong energy that everyone in the room could feel it..

" My little girl... please forgive me for endangering your life, for letting you bear this burden on your own.. please, hang on, there are lots of things that I haven't told you about... there are people who are waiting for you to come back to them... please my girl, I can't stand seeing you this way, open your eyes, show me those beautiful blue pearls again..." Yunan begged deeply in his mind..

He looked at the poor exhausted girl with a gloomy face, as he continued healing her.. he wasn't paying attention for the presence of the Corporal who exceeded everyone and sat next to the unconscious girl who had just saved the future of his land.. thousands of thoughts were conflicting inside Levi's head.. but the only thing that was dominating his mind is the safety of the young girl in front of him..

He was fighting the urge to ask Yunan "Is she going to be alright..?", he knew that it wasn't a good idea to cut his concentration in these hard moments, but anxiety was killing him slowly..

Long heavy minutes have passed, as everyone was drowning in deep silence, all of them were concerned about the situation of the young woman who had just returned from the past and changed fate of Eldia..

The glowing of Yunan's Magoi started to fade down slowly until it disappeared, yet, he was still silent, looking only at Luna's face which started to gain some color, suddenly, she released a weak sigh, and her eyes twitched..

" Luna..!! can you hear me now..?? please open your eyes.." Yunan whispered..

She opened her eyes slowly

" Yuu..nan...Sa..n" she uttered hardly..

" Yes.... yes my little girl, I'm here.." Yunan replied emotionally..

" I..." she whispered weakly..

" Yes. you did it, my dear, you did it well, like always.. I'm so proud of you.." he exclaimed with a relieved face, holding her tightly..

She closed her eyes with a faint smile on her face..

"You may rest for now, my dear girl, you've done a great job.." Yunan whispered softly, caressing her head, as she fell in a deep sleep..

" Hey.... is.. is she alright..?" Levi finally asked with hesitation...

" Yes, her breathing and heartbeats are stable but .." Yunan answered calmly, he stood up, carrying her " She needs to get a long rest.." he continued, and started to walk to her room, and placed her on her bed, then returned to Hange and the others who were waiting impatiently in his room..

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