Chapter 54 ( Stolen Dream )

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Minutes later..

Aladdin hurried into the room...

" Luna-San...!! you're awake..! Thank Goodness..!!" He rushed towards her and hugged her tightly..

" You're so warm..!" he said with a cheerful voice..

" Tch..!! Oi brat..! let go of her..! she's still recovering..!" Levi snubbed with irritation..

" I'm sorry... are you alright..?" Aladdin asked after he backed off..

" Yes, I'm feeling pretty well, thank you for taking a good care of me.. Aladdin-Kun..." she replied with a cheerful face...

After a short while, both guys left Luna to rest and went to prepare breakfast..

She got out slowly from bed, went out of her room, washed her face and headed to the kitchen to join them..

" Hey...! go back and get some rest, you're not supposed to move a lot.." Levi complained with annoyance and worry..

" It's okay, I'm fine.." She replied as she was grabbing out the small box of tea and cardamom from the shelf..

" It's been a while since I've prepared you some tea, I know you liked mine.." she said with a delightful smile.. leaving him with no other word to say, and he couldn't help but smiling back..

" She's doing nothing but keeping me fall for her more and more... this is not going to end well you know..." he told himself, gazing at her softly from the back while she was preparing tea, then he released a short sigh..

Finally, the three sat around the table... scent of tea was gliding among the air..

Levi was glancing at the two people in front of him while they were talking and laughing..

" Since when was the last time I've felt this ease..?" he wondered

Suddenly, and instead of Aladdin and Luna, for a single moment , he saw his old friends Farlan, and Isabelle..

" Oh.. that's right.. it's been really a long time ..." he told himself..

" Levi....." he heard his mother's voice echoing in his head again...

" Levi... are you with us...?" Luna's voice interrupted his fantasy...

" Oh.. yes, sorry, were you saying something...?" he replied

" I was asking you if you'd like some more..." she repeated, holding the tea pot...

" Ah.. yes please..."

After breakfast, Levi led Luna to her room, insisting that she should not push hard on her body, Aladdin had the same opinion..

She got into her bed, and the young Magi sat next to her, while the Corporal headed outside to train his body...

Luna was watching him from her window with a warm smile..

" Despite that everything is over now, but he still can't get over his training habits at once.." she said..

" Or maybe he's trying to acclimate with his new body..." Aladdin replied with a serious face..

" What do you mean..?" Luna asked, as her smile faded away..

" I heard that Levi-San was ascending from a family who possessed abnormal powers, which were parallel to the titans powers.." Aladdin said..

" Yes, I know about that, but what do you mean by his new body..?" Luna questioned with confusion.

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