Author's note

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Hello everyone.. ^^
Thanks alot for your support..
I'm currently working on the new chapter , btw , 85% of the story had been published, so I think I could end it before the end of the year.. wish me luck and clear mind to write the rest of it well :)
I really like to know your opinions about the story development so far .. was I too fast in developing some events? Were my story parts well connected to each others or were there some events that didn't make sense to you? :|
I'm really curious to know..
after all this is my first time in writing a story, especially a fanfic ( a crossover one xD ) I think I should have started with more simple things , but I don't know why I chose those three, I really liked these three worlds , Yona's world the most, and there were certain characters that I really wished for them to be happy, you can guess them I suppose :D
so I think I've learned so much things about writing a story..
and guess what ! I'm already thinking of writing an original one with original characters 😍
I've got the plot in my mind and ofc I wrote it down along with the main characters description.. once I finish my current crossover story I'll start to think seriously about this one..
Now, enough of my future dreams 😂
Tell me with who do you think Luna will end up??
I look forward to reading your comments ^^
Have a good day/ night everyone ❤️

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