Chapter 27 (People Beyond The Walls)

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Warning! Contains AOT manga SPOILERS

When the morning came... and after breakfast, Yunan sat along with Ali Baba and Luna to discuss the new mission he had for them...

"First of all Ali Baba-Kun... I need you to return to your kingdom... it's been a while since you've left it.. and I'm afraid that Kou empire would lay a hand on it since you're not there.." Yunan said looking seriously at Ali Baba

"But... what about Luna...? You gave her a new mission.." Ali Baba looked at Luna worriedly..

"It's okay... she is not going anywhere this time... she'll stay here with me as we observe the situation together and decide what should we do..." Yunan replied..

"Well... we haven't known what the problem is yet... and what's with those nightmares I'm having these days..." Luna said with confusion..

Yunan looked at her deeply.. then released a sigh..

"You remember the mysterious island of walls I've told you about before..." He asked..

"Yes" both of them nodded..

"For a long time... I kept wondering about it... I wanted to discover the secrets beyond those giant walls... and lately, I did... unfortunately, I was late.." he said with a disappointed face...

"What...What's with it..??" Ali Baba asked..

"All those years... People who lived there were being killed by monstrous giant creatures called Titans" Yunan said..

Luna and Ali Baba exchanged shocked looks

"Wh.. what did you say?" Luna asked

"Those Titans have been killing and devouring people of that island for a very long time... and that's why they were living beyond great walls..." Yunan looked at her with a gloomy face...

"But... why..? All that time.. no one has heard about that? Haven't anyone tried to stop them? To save those people?" Ali Baba asked..

"Actually I discovered that the strongest state in the west... "Marley" was the one behind those attacks... they wanted to exterminate all the people who lived there...." Yunan replied sadly...

"But... Why..?" Luna asked emotionally as her eyebrows furrowed

"I haven't known the real reason yet... but I think it's an old grudge..." he looked at her...

"There is another thing I've discovered.. the origin of those Titans is mere people... just like us... yet I haven't known how did they become monsters.. I don't think it's some kind of magic..." he continued as they were staring at him with great confusion

"I'm sorry Yunan-San, but I think this is a huge pile of information to get at once...." Ali Baba said...

"Indeed.. I'm sorry... but I also.. have discovered them recently..." he looked at him sadly...

"For an unknown reason.. I couldn't use my visioning power to watch them before... but I tried again.. the day after you left... and surprisingly it worked..." he continued...

"And what did you see..?" Luna asked with curiosity

"A huge mess my dear... a huge mess..." Yunan said looking down and remembering what he saw...

They looked at him carefully waiting for him to talk...

Yunan started his speech basing on what he saw and understood using his visioning spell:

"Up until few years ago... that island - which is known by the Paradise Island - and it's people "The Eldians" had lived a kind of faked peaceful life , surrounded by three walls... till a colossal titan and an armored titan appeared and destroyed the first wall which led to a horrible disaster that killed hundreds of people who lived beyond the first wall... after some time... armies of the paradise have discovered that those titans were a specific soldiers sent by the state of Marley... and they started to take precautions and form alliance with some states around..." Yunan stopped for a minute...

"Specific soldiers..? But how... you said they were titans..." Ali Baba asked with confusion

"Well... there are some types of titans that can return to their human form... people like those are called Titan shifters..." Yunan replied...

He took some minutes of silence to help them observe the situation...

"So... I didn't get it... where is the huge mess now?" Luna asked..

"Well... there is a soldier.. from the paradise... who happened to be a titan shifter either... he went alone to Marley and committed a sudden counterattack... corps of the Paradise were forced to follow him in this attack... and now... Marley is preparing for a huge invasion to destroy that island..."

"And what are we supposed to do in this chaos..?" Luna said

"For now we'll keep watching.. until we have a chance to interfere.." Yunan replied determinedly looking at her...

"Are you sure you're gonna be alright with this? I mean it's a pretty complicated issue... interfering the battle of Kouka was nothing compared to this.." Ali Baba asked worriedly

Yunan looked at him... "I know... That's why I'll take care of it myself, along with Luna.. so don't worry... I shall not put her in danger..."

"I know you won't.. I didn't mean that.. but .. dealing with creatures like that... it's dangerous.. I'm worried about you both..." Ali Baba looked down with a gloomy face..

"It's okay Ali Baba Kun... you should not underestimate our Tutor... he is a Magi after all" Luna said trying to comfort her friend...

"As expected from my diligent follower..." Yunan chuckled,  "she's right.. I've seen more than that in my life.." he said with a calm voice

"Well take care then... both of you" He smiled at them...


In the afternoon.. Yunan and Luna stood outside the house saying their last goodbyes to Ali Baba...

"Thank you for everything... Ali-Baba Kun..." Luna held his hands and looked at him gratefully...

"It was nothing..." He nodded... "It was so nice to meet you..." He smiled back..

"Please.. come visit again" she said..

"I will..." he replied and turned his face to Yunan... "Please take care of yourselves... and don't hesitate to call for my help if you needed to.. "

"Yes.. thank you Ali Baba-Kun.. take care of your Kingdom and send my greetings to Aladdin and Morjiana.. " He smiled cheerfully..

"Of course..."

He gave them a last goodbye and flew away...

"I'll miss him..." Luna smiled slightly...

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