Chapter 53 ( Thank you..)

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" Jae-ha..."...

Levi heard the name and his eyes widened as he was looking at the sleeping girl in front of him...

" Who is this " Jae-ha" you're dreaming of..?" he thought with a gloomy face..

After a while.. he took a last glance at her, making sure that her health was finally stable, then he laid his head on the tip of her bed and fell into a deep slumber..


" Levi....." he heard his mother's voice calling gently in his dream right before he woke up..

He felt the sunlight through his closed eyes, then he opened them slowly..

" Oh.. it's morning already..." he murmured weakly and lifted his head up to see Luna in front of him, awake, and looking through the window..

She turned her face to him..

" Good morning... Levi...." she said with a warm smile..

" G...good morning..." he uttered slowly, his eyes were focusing on her smiley face...

" H.. how do you feel..?" he asked with hesitation

" I'm fine... thanks for taking care of me..." she answered cheerfully..

He remained silent, his eyes looked down, as he was remembering their last conversation before she left...

" Luna...."

" Yes..?"

" I'm sorry... I'm terribly sorry for the words I've said before you left to your mission... you risked your life and threw yourself in danger for our sake, and yet, I ended up hurting your feelings, your heart didn't deserve to be hurt by someone helpless like me..."

He lifted up his face to her and his heart skipped a beat...

Tears were filling her blue eyes..

" You... you're not helpless at all..... you too.. risked your life and threw yourself into death for thousands of times for the sake of your people and comrades.... only God knows what would happen to your people of you weren't there for them..." she said with a throttled voice as tears started to flow out of her ocean eyes...

She reached her hands to his own ones and held them tightly..

" I'm sorry too... I should've spoken to you before I left.... I'm sorry for worrying you and leading you to feel guilty..."

He grabbed her hands and hugged her gently...

" It's okay... you're here now.. safe and well..." He whispered

" Umm.. I'm back..."

" Welcome back... Luna..." his face drew a relieved smile...

" Thank you... Levi..." she replied with a pleased face

" Where's Yunan-San and the others..?" she asked after he released her from between his arms..

" They've left last day.."

" Where..?"

" To the Paradise.. they need to deal for the last time with Marley.."

" ...... and what about the titans and the cursed blood..?"

" They disappeared.. and your Master Yunan has proved it on the Yeager brothers.. both of them have failed in turning themselves into titans.."

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