Chapter 6 (Arrival of a Friend)

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More days have passed and Luna started to be more skillful than before, she continued watching Yona and the dragons in their journey through the tribal lands of Kouka, although there were many times that they fell in danger, and no matter how much she asked Yunan to join them when she saw their difficult situations, he kept rejecting and telling her that it's not the right time yet.

Luna kept watching them traveling here and there, helping people who needed help even if that caused them some troubles, she watched them, taking down the Nadai drug sellers in water tribe, meeting Su-Won accidentally again, she felt pain in her heart seeing Hak's rage when he saw his old betrayer friend and how the dragons tried to stop him, she saw their battle with Kai soldiers and how they discovered Zeno's true powers, and when they arrived in Xing kingdom and met princess Tao and princess Kouren, she felt so worried about them at that time when they fell in great danger because of that bloody priest Gobi of Xing kingdom.

"Yunan-San please, can't you see the hard situation of them right now? I must go and help them" she asked Yunan with a begging voice

"I'm seeing it Luna, and I'm sure they can escape it, I understand how do you feel but it's not the time" he said with a serious tone

"But..." she was interrupted

"They are Kouka dragons Luna, you shouldn't underestimate their powers, besides, this probably won't be their hardest situation, they can handle it, but I'm certain there will be more complicated situations in the future which will definitely need your interference and help" he said trying to calm her down

She looked at him with sad eyes and nodded with her head.

It was just like what Yunan said, they escaped that hard situation, returned safe to Kouka, and after a few days, they headed to the capital of fire tribe.


"Luna dear.." said Yunan as he entered his grand room which where Luna was reading a book in.

"Yes?" she replied letting down the book she was reading and turning her face to her tutor

"Come out, there is someone here who I'd like you to meet" he said with a smiley face

"Really? Who?" she got up from her chair and followed him to see a young blonde man standing in the dining room

She looked at him for few moments trying to figure out who was he

"Luna, this is Ali Baba Saluja, the third prince of Baghdad kingdom" Yunan said and turned around for the blonde guy

"Ali Baba-Kun this is Luna, my special student, and house companion" he said with a wide smile patting her shoulders

"Nice to meet you Luna-San, Yunan-San told me about your lessons with him and your fast progress in this short period of time, I believe you're so talented" he said cheerfully

"Oh, thank you, nice to meet you Ali Baba-Kun" she said with a light smile and turned her face to Yunan, expecting an explanation from him.

"Ali Baba will stay here for some time to practice with me and improve controlling of his spiritual power ( Magoi )" Yunan said

Ali Baba looked at Luna and smiled.

"Well.. yes, sure, welcome here with us, we can study and practice together, and you could tell me more about your kingdom, after all, I have an interest in every place in this world" Luna said with a happy face

"Oh, I really look forward to that" Ali Baba replied with the same happy face


A.N. : Sorry about this short chapter, and I don't know if you are feeling that the story events develop slowly or wondering when will she meet Yona and the dragons, but I promise, the next chapters will be more interesting, and they will gather soon.. :)

and for the characters of AOT, I didn't forget them 😄, but they'll take some time to appear in the story

I believe that developing story events step by step makes it more worthy to read..

I look forward to reading your comments and questions <3

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