Chapter 18 (Unexpected meeting)

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Luna remained standing confused looking at the two men...

"Who is ... " she was interrupted by Jae-ha's arm which pushed her more to hide her behind his back..

"I'm sorry if I surprised you.. I was just taking a walk alone when I heard your voices" the strange man started to talk

"I remember meeting you in the water tribe land, it's been a while" he continued

"Yes, and you were in Xing after that, but we didn't had the chance to meet again there" Jae-ha replied after some moments of silence

"Looks like your advisor and his army haven't returned yet huh?" Jae-ha smirked

"Actually, yes and that's why I can walk alone freely" he replied with a slight smile

"Advisor.. army.. wait a minute.. we are near the palace.. that means.. this young man is..." Luna was wondering silently, trying to observe the situation

"This is not good, he is their enemy, I should do something..." she looked at them both, worried

"So, where are your other comrades" the young man asked

"I'm afraid they are too far away from here, so you can't lay a hand on them, unfortunately" Jae-ha replied with a grimy face

"This is bad.. I should do something" Luna was frightened

"There is no one here except for us, and we didn't come for any troubles,there is something here we came for , we don't intend to stay so long.." Luna said determinedly as she revealed herself from behind Jae-ha

The young man kept staring at her, trying to conclude who was she..

"Okay, and I intend to no harm either.." he replied after silence

"Come on Jae-ha, let's go back" she asked him with a whispering voice as she pulled his sleeve lightly to get his attention

He responded to her at last and followed her silently to where their tent was set..

They sat around the fire, each of them was drowning in thoughts while staring at the flames..

"That man.. he is king Su-Won, right?" she asked turning her looks to him

"Yes.." he nodded facing her as well

"I understand that you don't get along together, and I still don't know if he is a bad person or not, but I think he'll not gain any benefits of harming us here, so don't worry" she said trying to reassure him..

"Actually.. I also don't know whether he was bad or not, up until now, I couldn't sense a bad feeling from that kid, but I also can't forget that he killed Yona's father, King Ill, so when it comes to him, I get really confused" he said with a troubled look

"Yes, I think you're right.." she said..

"Anyways, you should get back to sleep and rest, you must recover well, so that we could return back as soon as possible" she continued

"What about you?!" he asked with a questioning stare

"I.. will sleep later.. I want to sit here a little longer.." she said trying to avoid his looks..

"No, you're not.. you'll come with me.. you haven't slept well in the last two nights" he said while he got up and came close to her

"Come on.." he gave her his hand and helped her stand

She stood up and faced him, he didn't let go of her hand, she tried to release it from his grip but she couldn't ..

"Wh.. what's wrong Jae-h..."

"Your hands, they are always warm" he didn't let her continue

Her heart skipped a beat...  and she didn't answer

"Last night.. when I was drenched in pain, I felt your hands holding mine, I wasn't asleep you know" he smiled cunningly looking at her surprised blushing face

"They were so warm, and I don't know if that was the reason why I'm feeling better now, could you explain it to me?" He asked with a soft voice as he led her inside their tent

She gazed shyly at his blue eyes then looked down..

"I'm sorry, it's just that, I happened to possess some sort of healing powers.. and I can use them when I connect with the person who needs them, so I held your hand for that reason" she said with embarrassment

Suddenly she felt his hand down her chin lifting her face, forcing her to look at his eyes..

"Then.. could you do it for me again.. tonight?" He whispered..

"All..right.. i..if it makes you... feel better" She stuttered, feeling a huge amount of heat rising to her face..

He stared at her for some moments and released a soft chuckle

"I'm sorry for being greedy" he said

"No.." she nodded silently

The next minutes, he laid his body on the sheet and looked at her waiting to lay down as well..

He closed his eyes, so she wouldn't feel embarrassed

"Don't do anything weird, you stupid dragon!" He warned himself, suddenly he felt a little hand holding his own..

His guard was caught off by the warmth and the softness of her hands..

He couldn't help but holding them back..

Luna's heart was pounding fast..

"Calm down Luna! This isn't the first time you hold his hand! Stay calm or he'll be able to hear that silly pounding of your heart" she was scolding herself..

After a while, her heart calmed down, and she started to use her Magoi to transfer her healing powers through his hands..

His hands were warm either.. big enough to cover her own ones.. she wasn't sure whether she was using her power to heal him, or if she was the one being healed..

They finally gave up to deep sleep, drowning in that warm and peaceful feeling..

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