Chapter 13 (Please.. Hang on)

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Ali Baba lowered his face down to see who shot that arrow, finding it was Kuelbo

"Back off, Ali Baba" said Luna with an enraged face

She pulled a glacial arrow out of nowhere using her magic, and used it with a bow that seemed familiar to Zeno who was looking at her wondering what she's about to do.

"Take that from me as a greeting and a goodbye" she said with cold eyes

It took only moment to flew and pierce Kuelbo's chest which fell down immediately

"Let me take a look please" she turned her face and rushed to Jae-ha who was hardly breathing

"This is bad, that arrow settled near his heart, the bleeding won't stop that simply" she thought to herself

"Ali Baba-Kun please take us away from here" she asked him pointing to the direction where she left Yona and the others

"I must use my healing power right now, at least just for saving him from this current situation" she looked at Jae-ha with anxious eyes

Kija looked at her with confusion and worry, and backed off so she could do her job well

"Please Luna, concentrate, you practiced a lot for something like that, all I need to do for now is stopping his bleeding then I'll treat it properly once we land" she thought while looking into his pale face ..

She placed her hand on the wound in his chest and closed her eyes..

"You're a special kind of magicians Luna-dear, the healing abilities of yours harmonize with your entity as a shield for your comrades, I know you can do it when the time comes, just trust yourself..." she heard Yunan's voice deep inside her head

Suddenly a shiny aura flowed from her hand through his chest, and after some minutes the bleeding stopped... but Jae-ha remained unconscious..

She looked at his sleeping face and released a deep sigh..

"Please tell me, how is he? is he going to be okay?" Kija asked staring at her with anxious eyes

She looked at him for some moments as if her mind was in another place, then answered

"He is going to be alright, I just need to treat him more properly as soon as we arrive to Yona and the others"

"Thank you little Miss, we are so grateful for what you have done, both of you, but..." Zeno said and stopped for a moment

"Who are you? and how did you know about us?" Kija continued

"I'm Luna, and this is Ali Baba... actually we came from a place far away from here" she said as she looked at Ali Baba

"I don't know if you would be convinced by our story, but we'll tell you anyway, once we arrive" Ali Baba said

Both of the dragons nodded as they continued staring at the bow in her hand

"Oh, I borrowed that bow from Yona before I return back to you" She said after seeing the confusion in their eyes

"It's okay little Miss, and by the way, that was really a great shot, for a moment you just looked like Yona" Zeno replied smiling

She nodded giving him a soft look, then turned her face again to the wounded dragon..

" Please, hang on, we're almost there.. "

She looked sadly at Jae-ha's exhausted face

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