Chapter 5 (The Prophecy)

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Luna was very confused about the existence of dragons at that period of time..

"How do they even exist until now?" She asked

"Well, technically they didn't disappear, at least their power didn't, it was inherited through generations, until the present time, and if you're wondering why do they travel with Princess Yona, that's because she believed they were the only ones who could help her through her journey and protect her from danger, they as well, became so loyal to her, caught up by the power of King Hiryuu in her soul, so they became her comrades" he answered while observing her reactions

"I feel like all what I had been learning.. all that time, was nothing..." she felt hollow

"It's okay my dear, I told you, you'll discover everything gradually, anyways, this was the right time for you to know about them" he stopped for a moment, then continued

"There is another thing that I've discovered lately and I should tell you about," he said

"What is it?" her eyes concentrated on what he was going to say

"There is a prophecy, which was told by a priest who I happen to know in the past" he said

"Yes..?" she said with a questioning tone

He looked at her eyes for a few moments then continued

"When the four dragons are gathered, the sword and shield which will protect the king shall awaken, and the Red Dragon shall restore the dawn at last."

He stopped for some moments then continued "This prophecy foretells the future of the Kouka Kingdom and its princess, Yona." he said quietly

"What does that mean?" she asked

"Well, that priest was the one who told Yona to look for the dragons, and now as they are gathered, the second part of the prophecy shall be fulfilled, Luna, you arrived here after the gathering of the dragons, and linking that dream of yours, I'm certain that you are the shield which will protect the kingdom and the princess" he said as he put his hand on her shoulders

She remained silent for a minute

"Are you sure about that?" she said with her eyebrows furrowed

"Yes, this is obvious, I didn't tell you anything until I became so sure of those theories" he replied

"Then... why don't I just go now and meet them, if I was their goal from the beginning, shouldn't I just gather up with them as well?" She asked innocently

He smiled and put his hand on her shoulder

"Yes, you're going to meet them... in the right time" he said with a calm voice, then continued

"And for now, all what you have to do is watching them from this room, until that time comes, when you become stronger , more skillful, and more convenient for being the king's shield" he said trying to encourage her.

"Alright... But I think I need to learn that from you, that spell you casted recently, so I shall be able to detect their movements, situations and get to know them well" she said with a little smile

"Ah hah, sure I can show you how to do it, after all, it's one of your abilities too" he smiled back.


On the next days, Luna gained a new interest, watching the journey of her future fellows, she remained taking her magic lessons, studying and improving her skills, Yunan believed she was a good, fast learning student, but it was too early to send her to her mission.

After watching them for many days, she started to know their personalities, abilities, and off course their names.

Yona was a little girl with a beautiful face and a fiery glowing red hair, she looked younger than Luna by a few years, from what Luna used to see, she seemed so kind, ambitious, and helpful, "I think all that she wants is not to be such a trouble for her friends" Luna said to herself sadly

"That huge black-haired guy, he was Hak, Yona's first comrade, and her bodyguard, Yunan told me that he was her friend along with Su-Won since they were kids, although he seems very strong and capable of protecting her, his eyes always looked sad, as if he was carrying a heavy burden on his shoulder" she looked at him with sorrow

She continued wondering while she was looking at them in her room until her eyes went on that little boy who looked annoyed of something

She smiled .. "Well well.. little Yun, who is bothering you again, I believe he's either Hak, or Jae-Ha" she laughed softly

Yun was a teenaged boy, who accompanied Yona and Hak in their journey in order to discover the world in a better way, Yunan said that he used to live with Ik-Su, the priest who told that prophecy,

He is a good cook, a smart boy who loves to read books and has a great interest in herbs, he always used them to treat his friends, "Well, it's so nice that we share the same interests Yun-kun" she smiled at his upset face and turned her attention on a white-haired handsome guy.

That was Kija, the white dragon, his power lies in his right hand, a strong and huge hand covered with pearled white dragon scales, it could destroy and tear up almost everything, he's very loyal to Yona, cares for and appreciates her so much.


she heard that sudden loud voice coming out from that cute stuffed-cheeks squirrel ^-^

"Wait... Ao" said a calm voice

He was Shin-ah, the blue masked dragon, under that mask, he hides his golden beautiful dragon eyes, which had special powers that Yunan happened to talk about once, they could see through very long distances and through the darkest places, they also have the ability to defeat enemies and knock them out.

"Oi oi Yun-Kun, don't be so strict, you should learn how to be more flexible" said a cunning voice and followed it with a genuine laugh

Yun turned his bothered face to a tall green-haired male, who looked having fun in bothering him, he was the green flying dragon Jae-ha, whose dragon's power lies in his right leg, it allows him to jump to high distances so it seems like he's flying, it's also very strong so he could use it to fight his enemies.

He has an amusing personality, always making fun of the others especially Hak, although he seems stubborn sometimes, he cares too much about Yona and the others but he doesn't show that on his face.

"And the last remaining dragon was little-old Zeno, the yellow golden dragon, ahh..! he has the same warm and shiny aura that Yunan has, unlike his age and reality, Zeno looks so childish and pleasant, I believe he has the heaviest burden along with the strongest dragon power, the power of healing and regeneration, and when he regenerates he gains the combined power of both white and green dragon, becoming invincible, that power led him to be immortal, concluding that he was a dragon from the first generation, who fought along with King Hiryuu" Luna was so excited about meeting Zeno and to hear stories about the first dragons and their King

In her vision, they looked in a well and peaceful situation, camping in the woods of the water tribe

"I really look forward to seeing you all, guys, please stay safe until the time comes for me to join you" she looked at them with sad eyes...

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