Chapter 47 (That night in Awa)

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A.N. / I think it's time to change the scenes in this chapter - even though the previous chapter contained some exciting upcoming events ;) - but it's good to change the pattern once in a while .. events in this chapter took place in the meantime of the previous chapters.

Please enjoy.. and I look forward to reading your comments like always ^^

Somewhere in the Kingdom of Kouka, near the lands of Earth Tribe..

" Jae-ha, we need some wood for the fire, could you go and get some..?" Yun asked while he was starting to prepare the food for lunch..

" Sure.." answered the green-haired man..

"I'll go with you.." Yona said as she got up from the ground and walked after Jae-ha..

" I'd be glad to.." he answered cheerfully..

on their way in the forest..

" You know Jae-ha, I'm so happy that we got to visit Awa and see the people there once again.. I really missed Captain Gi-Gan, and the view of the sea..." Yona said with a smiley face..

"Yeah.. me too my dear, I really missed all of them, and I'm glad they're doing fine after all what they've been through.." Jae-ha replied, referring to the old bad days that people of Awa used to live during the rule of Lord Kum-Ji..

He silenced for a little bit then continued:

" ... and of course all of this happened thanks to my dear Yona-chan" he said, patting her head with a warm smile..

"It was thanks to you and your pirate friends as well..." She replied with a bit of embarrassment

"Anyways Jae-Ha, you haven't told us yet, why did you want us to visit Awa again..? When Yun asked, you refused to tell.." the young princess asked with concern...

On that moment, the smile faded away from our green dragon's face as he remembered...

Flashback (A few days ago in Awa... )

Two people sitting in the port of Awa, watching the sea in the middle of night :

" This view, it's very nostalgic, I really missed it.." Jae-ha uttered after a long silence..

" So... why have you and your friends returned? Don't tell me you came all the way back here just to enjoy this view once again..." Captain Gi-Gan asked with her usual sarcastic accent..

" and should be there any particular reason for someone to return their home..?" Jae-Ha replied with a soft chuckle

" No... not at all.." she answered briefly.. and they both returned to deep silence..

Jae-Ha remained staring at the dark sea when he suddenly felt a hand hitting him hard on his back..

" Ouch..!!! what was that for..?!!" He cried

"Oh come on you stupid little boy..! don't play dumb with me, I know there's something wrong with you..." said the captain with a serious look in her eyes..

"No... there's not ..." He replied as he was rubbing his back

" I know you since you were a kid - young man - you used to come here and look at the sea just like this whenever you faced a problem... so , you can't hide it from me... come on, spit it out.." she said..

He looked at her and his eyes started to become more gloomy, as he released a deep sigh...

" What's wrong..? are you facing a problem with Yona-Chan..? or your Dragon friends? or you missed the freedom that you used to live in while you were here..?" she drowned him with this pile of questions..

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