Chapter 59 ( Goodbye .. Dear Ocean Eyes )

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Luna got out of her Master's room after he finished his meeting with Aladdin, Levi, Eren, and her.

They gathered around the rounded table in the kitchen, having their last meal together..

Aladdin started to talk about Luna's bravery in facing the danger ( when she traveled through the paths ), Yunan and Eren were listening carefully as they weren't present when she told the story, however, there was someone who was only present by the body, as their mind was floating somewhere else..

" Levi.. Levi.." Luna's voice echoed in the back of his mind..

" Levi... Are you with us..?" She asked

He paid attention at last.. " Yes..? " he replied..

" Are you feeling well..? you haven't eaten anything..?" she asked with concern..

" Don't worry, I'm alright, I just need to go outside for a little bit.." he said and left the table..

His mind was still full of chaos, still not believing what had happened..

" Did we become really free..? from all that mess..? from every single nightmare that ruined our lives..? are we finally going to see the outside world..? without the fear of death..?" all these thoughts were still dominating on his mind..

He looked at the sky and allowed the breeze to cross his body and fill his lungs, and then, he released a deep breath, as if it was the first time for him to breathe in a very long while..

He looked at the sky and allowed the breeze to cross his body and fill his lungs, and then, he released a deep breath, as if it was the first time for him to breathe in a very long while

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" We made it.. Erwin.." He spoke, as a tear escaped his grey eye..

" Hey.." He heard a familiar voice from behind, turned his face to see Eren standing behind him..

" Why did you come back..?" Levi asked with a cold expression..

" I.. wanted to see Luna.. for the last time.." his subordinate replied..

Levi's heart twitched for a second, as his face drew a concerned look..

" I wanted to apologize for disbelieving in her, and to show her my gratitude, I felt that I need to do this before I start a new beginning with myself.." Eren continued..

" Well, I don't think she's the only one you should apologize to.." Levi said, returning to his cold look..

" No she's not.. I know I've made a huge mistake, a terrible disaster, it's my fault that hundreds of our comrades are no longer with us..." Eren replied with a gloomy face, " ... neither four years nor thousand more are enough for me to pay for what I've done, but at least, I believe they can help me to start a new beginning with myself and with our new Eldia.." he continued..

Levi took a long gaze at him ..

" All of us killed hundreds of our own, just because we didn't share the same thoughts and believes, so.. who am I to judge you on what you have done..? after all, it remains God's plan to lead this girl and her Master to us.. to save me in the last seconds, to get you and your brother before you meet together, to put their lives into risk just to save us, and get us out of this chaos in the last way we could ever think of.." Levi replied..

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