Chapter 24 (A Farewell Night)

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"How do you feel now?" Yona went back after a while to check for Luna..

"Better.. a little bit" Luna answered smiling..

"The maids have prepared launch already... I'll bring you some" Yona suggested..

"Thank you.." Luna nodded..

She had some soup, then got asleep after taking a medicine prepared by Yun in order to treat her fever.

When the sun was setting down.. she opened her eyes slowly... taking a look around her..

"Hey.. you finally opened your eyes..." said a familiar voice that she used to hear the past few days..

She turned her face to the voice direction to see Jae-ha.. sitting next to her..

"How do you feel now...?" he asked while he came closer and put his palm on her forehead to check her temperature..

"Oh.. much.. better.. I... guess" she suddenly felt the heat rising up to her head again..

"Well.. I think the fever hasn't gone yet.. look at your face.. it's all red" he said putting his other hand on his forehead to compare their temperatures

"I... I.. don't know... maybe.. if I got out and washed my face for a little... bit... I'll.. get... b..better" She stuttered... then tried to get out from her sheet when she faced him directly...

She stared at him for a couple of moments.. while he was smiling at her hardly blushing face...

"Excuse.. me.." she said avoiding his looks and got out quickly from the room...

He remained smiling at her till she went away... then his smile vanished and faded away..

"Oh.. this is really embarrassing... please woman.. could you stop these stupid reactions already..?!" she scolded herself on her way to the river...

She kneeled down the river and washed her face... then took a long glance at herself in the reflection of the water... releasing a sigh, full of disappointment...

"Pukkyooo" she heard that cute sound suddenly from behind her..

She turned around to see Shin-ah.. and his squirrel Ao..

"Oh.. you've woke up.... young Miss... how do you feel" He asked calmly..

"I'm better now... my fever is gone... I guess.." she answered giving him a friendly smile..

Ao jumped from his shoulder and ran on the grass until she reached Luna's lab..

"Hey... nice to meet you sweetie.." she raised her up and cuddled her with her face..

Ao raised her hand and tried to put something between Luna's lips..

"What's that... a nut?" she asked surprised

"Well, she thinks you're hungry.. so she's trying to share her food with you.. that's her way to treat the people she likes" Shin-ah replied

"Oh... how sweet.. Thank you lovely... I'm not hungry" she caressed her head lightly..

She stood on her feet while placing Ao on her shoulder..

"Well.. where are the others.. Shin-ah Kun?" She asked softly

"They are over there.. sitting around the fire" he answered and led her to where they were gathering..

"Luna-San..!" said Yona cheerfully "Are you feeling better?" She continued

"Yes.." Luna nodded with a wide smile..

"Thank God.. I was worried about you" Yona said looking at her friend with worried eyes..

"It's okay my dear.. I'm better now.. it's just a fever and it's gone now" She answered softly.. to comfort her young friend..

"Umm" Yona nodded with a smile... "Anyways.. where is Jae-ha..? he said that he'll wait for you until you wake up.." she asked with questioning eyes..

"Well.. yes... actually he was... but I left him inside and went out to wash my face..." Luna looked down feeling embarrassed..

"Don't worry about him... maybe he is fooling around with the maids.." Hak answered with his usual poker face

"Hak..!" Yona looked at him annoyed..

"Well.. you like to fool around like him... Hak" said Kija sarcastically

"Who knows" Hak answered with lazy voice... "We're not pretty pure.. like you Shiro hebi" he continues with a grin

"Call me like that again.. and I'll make you regret the day you've met me in..!" Kija replies with anger..

"Enough... both of you" orders Yun with irritation

Luna stared at them and exchanged looks with Ali Baba who was sitting with them as well then she released a light chuckle..

"Well.. well.. are you two fighting again" she heard Jae-ha's voice behind her..

"Where were you?" Yona asked

"Just wandering around" he answered while patting on her head with a wide smile..

"Well.. I feel hungry.. is the dinner ready?" he asked looking at his brothers

"Zeno will go inside and check if it was ready or not" Zeno jumped out of the ground and headed inside the mansion..

"I'll go with him" said Shin-ah and followed his older brother inside...


After dinner, they sat together around the fire.. talking here and there..

Luna was pleased to sit along with them like that... she wished to stay there as much as she can... however she knows she couldn't... neither she could tell them about what she was going to do...

"This is my life.. my problem... they don't have to share this burden with me..." she thought when a voice cut her chain of thoughts

"Luna-San are you alright?" Yun asked staring at her

"Umm" She nodded with a wide smile...

Ali Baba was looking at her smiling face among them..

"I feel sorry for you.. Luna.. I know how much you want to stay here... but this is your fate after all.. If Yunan believed in that.. so it must be you.. who will fulfill that mission" he thought....


When the night came Luna got off silently from her sheet trying not to wake Yona who was already sleeping...

She took a last look at her.. a broken look..

"Farewell princess... I'll come back.. to see you again" She smiled slightly at her sleeping friend...

She got outside to see Ali Baba waiting for her as well...

"Come on... let's go" he said in a low voice.. and walked in front of her... leading her inside the forest so that they could use their flying carpet without being seen..

After some time of walking...

"Wait.. my wand is missing!" She said while she was looking for it in her bag

"What..? where have you lost it..?" Ali Baba asked worriedly

"I think I've forgotten it in Yona's room" her eyebrows were furrowed while she was trying to remember..

"Wait for me here.. Ali Baba-Kun.. I'll go look for it and come back soon" She continued

"Okay... Don't be late and be careful not to wake someone"

"Yes.." she nodded and hurried back to the mansion..


"Are you looking for this..?" She heard a voice behind her when she reached the mansion... turned her face to see Jae-ha.. holding her wand.. staring at her with an unusual gloomy face...

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