Chapter 10 (War Chaos)

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It was just like Luna though, Kouka prepared the fire and sky tribes forces along with Hak, Kija, and Shin-ah, they headed to Kai empire to save the princess and her comrades. In the main time, Kuelbo forced the rest of the dragons to accompany him to the battlefield and fight against Kouka.

Once they entered Kai's land and saw their army, the two tribes corps split into many parts attacking the front, left, and right flanks, the situation was on the side of Kouka's army, until the generals noticed strange issue in their lines, after a while, they concluded that they are being attacked by the green and yellow dragons.

Hak was too busy attacking enemies and leading other soldiers, his mind was upset, and feeling a huge burden on his heart, just wanting to see the Princess once again..

"Just...wait a little more, wait for me Princess , I'll come and get you, once I crush all those bastards, I'll take you back home and never let you out of my sights once again..." that's all what he was thinking about at this hard time..

He continued knocking them down, killing and slaughtering here and there, until he felt a sudden and horrible pain in his body...

He got injured by an enemy sword and fell down off his horse...

At that time, the dragons met each other on the battlefield, spotted by Kai's soldiers, Jae-ha and Zeno had no choice but to fight their dragon brothers, the situation turned into complicated chaos, and from what was obvious, Kouka was losing this war.


On the main while

"Oi, Yona, are you hearing those strange sounds outside?" Yun's voice cut Yona's thoughts as she was looking at the dungeons window

"Ah, sorry, what sounds?" she asked as she paid attention to her friend

"Listen, there is something wrong, I think someone broke into the castle, there are lots of loud voices" he said worriedly

"Do you think it's Hak and the others?" she asked with anxiety

"No, I don't think they could arrive this fast, Kai's army had just left, last day" he said with confusion

as they were talking, priest Gobi hurried inside and put the keys in the door of the prison

"Come on princess, we are leaving this bloody place" he said with an evil tone

"What?!  What are you trying to do, you filthy old man" Yun yelled at him standing in front of Yona

"It's over, I'm sick of this silly play, I've never intended to serve that stupid general, all what I need is you Princess, to get all the dragons powers and make them mine" he turned around and ordered one of his men to come and get her, Yun stepped in front of him and pushed him trying to protect Yona

"I'll never let you touch her" he shouted

"Get out of my way you little rat" the man punched Yun's face very hard and slapped him to the wall

"Yun!!! leave him!! I'll come with you just don't hurt him" Yona cried as she rushed to Yun who was unconscious

The man pulled her from her collar and forced her out of the cell.

"Dear God, help us please..." she looked down as tears were dropping out from her eyes..

Suddenly she felt that man's body falling down behind her, knocked out

"Not so fast, you little scurvy priest..!"

She was astounded when she turned around to see whose that voice

It was a young beautiful woman which looked older than her, along with a blonde guy, she pointed a strange wand into Gobi and suddenly, a sparkling light came out of it making him fly away until he bumped into the prison's wall, knocked down too..

She turned her face to Yona at last, giving her a light comforting smile

"Don't worry my dear, everything is going to be alright" She held Yona's hands

"Th.. Thank you, but.. Who are you?" Yona asked with wide eyes

"Oh sorry, I'm Luna and this is Ali Baba, we came to get you out of here, don't worry, we'll get your friends out too.." Luna answered and rushed into the cell to check for Yun's situation.

After examining him, she sighed

"He bumped his head into the wall, he'll be unconscious for a little while, but he's going to be okay" she said as she looked to Ali Baba who carried Yun on his back out of the cell

"Just who are you Miss? and how did you know about us" Yona asked with confusion

"It's a long story dear, I'll tell you after we're out of all of this" Luna replied and grabbed her hands to the upstairs, where Yona found lots of soldiers laying on the grounds of the castle and her eyes widened

"Wow, have they really done that by their own?" she thought to herself

"Come on Yona, let's go.." Luna's voice got her out of the trance, and entered her to another new shock when she saw a huge white carpet flying in front of her

"What...?! Don't tell me that we're going on this thing..! " she whispered fearfully

"Ah, well actually yes we are" Luna chuckled and grabbed her hands helping her to climb it up

"Don't worry, it's safe" she gave her a wide smile

She nodded as she climbed it up and rushed to sit near Yun who was still unconscious...

"Don't worry, he'll wake up soon and then I'll give him some helping medicine, now we are going to help your friends " Luna said as she held Yona's shoulder, then turned her face to Ali Baba who was waiting for her sign to depart

"Let's go, Ali Baba-Kun!" she said with determination

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