Chapter 44 (Those Blue eyes.. Who Made them Sad?)

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On the night before Yunan and the others reached the paradise..

Luna led Levi to her room after dinner..

"Do you need something else..?" she asked softly as she placed a cup of green mint tea on the table next to him..

"No.." He answered simply, and raised his face at hers "What are you going to do..?" he questioned with his same blank expressions..

"I have a few things to do before I sleep.." she replied " Don't concern yourself with me and get some rest.." she continued and got out of the room..

However, the corporal didn't have any slight tendency to sleep.. looking at the two books he had from Luna at the morning, he decided to continue reading while having his cup of tea.. he believed this was the only way to fight his anxiety about Hange and the others, knowing that surrounding himself with fear and stress won't help at all..

After a long while of reading deeply, a strange sound got his attention and got his mind out of the book between his hands.. a sound of a melody..

"What's that..?" He wondered as he slowly turned his face and looked through the window..

His eye gone wide, looking at the girl who left him a while ago, standing in front of the river near the house, playing on some instrument that looked strange to him..

He found himself unconsciously getting out of the bed and walking downstairs, his feet led him to where she was...

And when he reached her, it wasn't the same scene from above..

The moon was reflecting it's light on her, fireflies looked as if they were dancing around, and a beautiful blue bird was standing on her shoulder in peace..

This scene left him breathless, as many thoughts came up to his mind at that moment..

"Is this really the same world I've used to live in..? Was it truly that beautiful from the beginning..?" he wondered while looking at her, then lifted his face to the sky, making sure that it was the same sky he used to see when he was beyond the walls..

"Yes it is.. after all.... it really worthed dying for.." He sighed..

As much as the scene was pleasant to his eyes, he noticed the sadness in the melody she was playing... as if she had lost or missed something... or maybe someone.. he didn't wish to interrupt her and stood away listening to her silently...

After some while, the blue bird moved suddenly and poked her cheek..

"Oh..! what is it..? Obi.." She stopped playing and looked at her bird with confusion.. as the bird turned its face to the man standing behind her..

"Levi...." She uttered with a slight surprise.. "Why aren't you asleep..?"

"I... couldn't.. I already slept too much the passed days.." He replied, his eyes were focusing on the little bird, he walked a few steps closer, suddenly the bird flew away and stood on some near branch..

Levi's eyes widened for a moment.. "It ran away.." he mumbled slowly, looking at the bird which was still watching them from his new site..

Luna looked at them both then released a soft chuckle

"Ahh.. I'm sorry, Obi gets shy when he meets somebody for the first time, never mind it.." She said with a soft smile..

"Obi.. huh.." Levi murmured

"Yes, Obi is his name, I chose it for him, it suits him well, right..?" She asked with her usual cheerful tone..

"I don't know..." He replied with his usual monotone

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