Chapter 7 (The Time Has Come)

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Three days have passed since the arrival of Ali Baba, and he got along with Luna quickly, reading together, practicing, and taking lessons with Yunan, Ali Baba also started to teach her how to use a sword, and shoot arrows to improve her fighting skills, she was learning pretty fast as always.

"You really have talent Luna" Ali Baba said cheerfully

"Ah.. not really" she looked down and her face blushed, then continued:

"It's just that I somehow, get used to things quickly, and I just don't know why" she stopped for a while and looked at him, his smile started to fade as she continued:

"You know Ali Baba-Kun, this isn't a normal thing to do, getting used to everything, an ordinary person should panic, try to run away, cry, scream, do anything in order to struggle, but I just haven't done anything of those, I just accepted my destiny, even that until now, I have a strong urge to know who really I am, and where did I come from, if there is someone who's looking for me, but I just don't know"

she said with a painful voice, her eyes were sparkled and drown with tears, but she fought those tears and never let them fall, she hated to look weak in front of her new friend.

After some moments of silence, he patted on her shoulder with a slight smile :

"It's okay, I know how it's hard to feel lost, or missing something, but trust me, we are here with you, and everything is going to be fine, you're a strong and special girl, and that's why you're chosen for this hard role"

She nodded and tried to smile back..

Later that night, she remained feeling strange, and uncomfortable, feeling that a bad thing is about to happen, she entered her bed trying very hard to fall asleep, and after a couple of hours sleeping, she was awaken by a horrible nightmare, she caught her breath difficultly and looked desperately for her wand which Yunan made especially for her, she made a swish in the air and the scene of Yona and dragons appeared, they were in Saika Castle of the Fire tribe, the time was night and they were asleep peacefully, and nothing seemed to be unusual, she sighed and ended the vision, but couldn't return to sleep again.

She got out of her room and turned to the main door taking quite calm steps so that she wouldn't wake Ali Baba - who was sleeping in the living room-, and went down to that river near the house, she sat down by it, and watched the fireflies flying over it, drowning in her deep thoughts, then some familiar voice broke that chain of thoughts.

"You couldn't sleep, right?" said that voice from behind her, she turned around to see it was Yunan, standing behind her.

"Yes, I couldn't..... I saw a horrible nightmare, and I feel very anxious and upset, I have a strong feeling that something bad is about to happen....." she said with a worried painful face

He looked at her and sighed, then sat down next to her

"Luna, I believe the time has come to send you to help Yona and the dragons" he said

"Wait.. What?!" she stopped then continued "Oh No! don't tell me they will fall in danger again" her voice was shaking

"I'm sorry but yes, and this time, no one will be able to save them except you...."

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