Chapter 15 (Healing)

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Luna landed in some forest near the castle of Hiryuu, making sure to camp in a hidden place so no one could see them.. and once she finished preparing the tent she turned her face to Jae-ha who seemed to be awake at last.

"Hey.. you've woke up, finally, how do you feel?" she asked softly

"Where.. where are we?" he asked with a vulnerable voice looking around himself and trying to get up when he suddenly felt a horrible pain in his whole body.

"Please don't move like that at once, you'll hurt yourself" she said as she went close to support him

"What happened? Where are the others?" he asked with a pained voice

"Don't worry they are safe, all of them, I brought you here near Hiryuu's castle, so your wounds could heal well and to regain your strength" she replied with her face down, then raised it up to see him staring at her

"A..Anyways, I prepared the tent, c..could you please lean on me to help you get in" she stuttered and turned her face down again

He nodded, then tried to left his body, she took his arm and leaned it on her small shoulders.

He knew his body was too heavy for her to support, so he tried with all the strength left in him to ease his burden from her shoulders..

She laid him in the tent once they entered and looked at his pale sweaty face

"You've got a serious fever" she said putting her hand on his forehead

"It's okay, I went through more difficult situations young Miss" he smiled slightly

She looked at him silently for some moments

"I'll be back in a minute" she said while taking out a little vessel from her backpack

She rushed outside to a river near the tent, filled the vessel with some water and went back..

"Excuse me, I need to take off your hood and robe in order to treat your wounds well" she asked

"Umm" he nodded

She went close, took off his hood and started to unbutton his robe, embarrassedly, suddenly she looked at his face to see him staring at her once again..

"Please, could you not look at me like that, I'm doing it because you are too exhausted to do it yourself" she said while her face turned red 

"Oh, I'm sorry" He chuckled, and she gave him an annoyed look

"Well, I'm going to clean it first, it might hurt a little, so please be patient" she said seriously

She started to clean his wound with a little piece of cloth and some water after she added an antiseptic herb, then put the Sinjousu herb, which had a pretty good healing effect, and wrapped it with clean bandages.

"I'm sorry if that hurt you, it'll take some time to heal" she said with sad eyes

"It's fine, thank you for that" He smiled back

His face was still pale and the fever wouldn't come down

She went out and brought some extra water to make cold compresses for his fever..

"It'll be a tough night" she thought, with anxiety..

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