Chapter 17 (A Dream of the Walls)

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"Why were you crying?" Jae-ha repeated his question

She looked at his eyes.. then looked down again

"I.. was.. just worried about you" she said with a low voice

He smiled back  "It's okay, I'm alright no-"

"It was all my fault" she interrupted, looking at him with a tearful eyes

"You could have been safe if I made the right reaction in that time, I couldn't protect you and you ended up in this bad situation" she cried painfully, and he couldn't help but staring at her with wide surprised eyes

"What are you talking about? You.. you saved my life, my friends, and helped us getting away from those people" he put his hands on her shoulders as she was covering her face with her little hands

"I.. I was afraid of losing anyone of you, in that time, you were bleeding so hard, you couldn't breathe, you were about to die.. I thought you wouldn't survive, I just can't believe that I did it, that you're here, alive and safe.. I wasn't going to forgive myself if something bad had happened to you" she said emotionally trying to wipe her tears away

He pulled her hands away from her face and and forced her to look at him..

She felt heat flowing from his hands through her cheeks as he brought his face closer to her..

"Look, I don't know what are you talking about, but I do know that you're the reason of why I survived, I could've been shot anyways, and die there, it's a war you know, not a playground..  my injury is not your fault, but you're the one who saved me, so stop being annoying, and don't say those stupid words again" he said with irritated sound looking through her eyes

She stared at him for some moments, then nodded and looked down..

He placed his fingers under her eyes and wiped her remaining tears..

"Well well, now stop showing that awful expression, it'll make me feel ill again" he said acting to be miserable

"Seriously Jae-ha, can't you stop being funny already?" She chuckled back

"That's me, my dear, I can't stop being myself you know.. " he laughed

After some time, Jae-ha laid back on his mattress, as she sat down beside him..

"So.. Luna, I haven't got the chance yet to ask you, where did you come from and how do you know us" he said while staring at the roof of the tent..

"Well, it's a long story..." she answered thinking of her days with Yunan..

"And I think we have enough time to hear it.." he replied with a warm smile

She looked at him for a while then started to tell him about how she found herself near Yunan's house.. and about the prophecy that she was involved in..

"Yunan told me that I'm the shield mentioned in that prophecy of your kingdom, and for that, I started to prepare myself to be a useful companion to the princess and her comrades, and here I-am, at last" she sighed

Jae-ha remained silent for some moments trying to understand her story

"I know it may be difficult to believe" she smiled looking at him

"No.. I just... haven't thought of that prophecy seriously, I don't know, lots of things happened to us and I didn't have much time to think of it" he said

"Well, thinking of that, who knew that the mysterious shield would be a little girl" he chuckled

"Could you just stop calling me a little girl, I'm already 23" she pouted her face

"I don't think you're much older than me" she continued with irritation

"Seriously, you don't look like a 23" he laughed

She remained silent but annoyed..

"Haha.. sorry I'm just kidding" he said as he lifted up his upper body and his face became so close to hers..

He remained staring at her blue ocean eyes..

"What a beautiful eyes.. they have the color of the ocean I used to see in Awa, how nostalgic.." he thought with himself..

"I.. I think it's time to change your bandages" she stuttered turning away her face from him..

He nodded back..


The night came, she gave him that relieving medicine again to help him fall asleep..

For some time she sat next to him until he succumbed to a deep slumber, then she slept as well and for the first time in a long while.. she saw a dream...

The sky was dark, there were lots of burning houses.. people screaming, and there was a huge wall, collapsing, and revealing horrific giants..

"The first founder must die.. to save the people behind the walls" she heard those strange words and didn't know their source

She woke up breathing hard, and her heart was pounding so fast.. she was horrified from that terrible nightmare..

She looked at Jae-ha who was still asleep, and released a deep sigh

"It was just a dream" she told herself, and tried to get back to sleep, but she couldn't.. so she decided to get out of the tent and get some fresh air..

She sat near the river.. thinking of the vision she saw..

the people of the walls..

"Could it be those who used to live in that mystic Island that Yunan told me about..?" She kept wondering until some familiar voice cut off her thoughts..

"Why are you still awake?" She turned her face to see Jae-ha standing beside her..

"I.. had some bad dream and I couldn't return to sleep" she answered sadly

"Why are you awake anyway?" She continued looking at him with questioning eyes..

"I woke up suddenly and didn't find you near me, I was worried" he said lending his hand to get her up of the ground

"Come on lets take a walk, so you can cool you mind a little" he continued

They started walking along the river when they heard some strange sound behind the trees

"Don't move.." he ordered her with a low voice and hid her behind him

"Who's there?" He asked with a higher tone preparing to pull out a dagger from his inside pocket

Suddenly, a young tall blonde man revealed himself from behind the trees

Luna didn't know him but her attention was caught with the shock on Jae-ha's face

It's obvious that he knew him well..

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