Chapter 14 (Heading to Hiryuu Castle)

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"They are here..." said Shin-ah with his usual calm voice

"Really?" Yona said and sat up from her in a rush to see them.

The carpet landed, and Jae-ha was carried on Kija's back.

"Jae-ha! What happened??" Yona gasped once she saw him like that

"He was shot by an arrow from Kuelbo" said Zeno with depressed face and then continued "The young miss did all her best to stop his bleeding" he turned his face to Luna who looked pale too

"I need to treat his wounds immediately, his situation is getting worse, and my powers aren't enough yet to treat him well" she was desperately trying to save his life

Zeno looked at them and observed the situation

"Young miss, I believe the only way to save Ryokuryuu's life is to take him near Hiryuu's castle, that will help his wounds to heal easier"

She stared at him, remembering the time when they were in danger at Xing kingdom, all of them were injured, and regained their strength after that by returning to Hiryuu's castle

She turned her face to Ali Baba

"How long do you think it takes to arrive to the capital Kuuto by the carpet?" she asked him

"a couple of hours at most, it's not so far from here" he answered

after some moments of thinking...

"I'll take him near that castle" she said looking at everyone

"But, how could you handle it all by yourself?" replied Ali Baba with worry

"It's okay, I'll make sure to hide ourselves well" she looked at him

"We'll come with you" said Yona determinedly

"No, this is dangerous, you might be seen by the castle guards, besides, Hak is still recovering, and we can't go all together, trust me, I'll make sure to keep him safe" she looked at her and hold her shoulders, then turned her face once again to Ali Baba

"Please, stay with them until I return back" her eyes softened as she asked her friend for that favor, he nodded back with a light smile

"Before I forget, Tae-Jun told me about a mansion of his own that we can stay in for a while, it's in the west forests of fire tribe, let's head to it so Hak could recover well" Kija said looking at Yona

"Well, actually the west forests aren't too far from here, I roamed in them a few times when I was living with Ik-Su" Yun said

"Then, let's just head there, while Luna-San takes Jae-ha near Hiryuu's castle" Yona said looking at everybody

"I'm sorry, I didn't want to put you in that situation alone, I believe you should answer their questions by yourself at the current time" she said as she pulled Ali Baba aside

"Don't worry, I'll tell them everything, it's not a big deal, besides, they trust us, everything will be fine, just leave now and help that poor guy" he smiled back and continued - looking at her - "Stay away from troubles and be safe please, if something bad happens to you, Yunan might kill me" he chuckled and she smiled back..

Kija carried his older dragon brother and laid him on the carpet as Luna climbed it as well.

"Here, this bag has a small tent inside, I'm sure you'll need it" he said while putting a large bag on the carpet, "Thanks a lot, Kija-Kun" she smiled

"Please take care of him" he looked at her with sad eyes, she returned it with a soft gaze trying to comfort him, then took a last look at everyone, and flew with the carpet.

Yona remained watching them flying away until they disappeared in the horizon of the sunset..

"Come on Miss, we need to reach that house before the night comes" Zeno's voice took Yona out of her thoughts

It didn't take so long to find that house, and once Kija showed Tae-Jun's letter to the servants, they allowed them in pleasantly, offering them some food and medicines

"That little lord, he really grew up to be a clever man" Hak said while laying down blinking at the room's roof.

"Yes, I'll return his favor as soon as possible" Yona replied but her mind was in a different place

"So, Ali Baba-San, would you mind telling us now, your story and where did you come from" Yona asked turning her face to Ali Baba who was sitting down by the wall.

He started telling them what he knows about Luna, and Yunan, who helped them figuring out about the dragons and the prophecy

"The prophecy?!" Yona's eyes widened when she heard that word.

"Yes, Yunan-San believed that Luna was the shield mentioned in that prophecy of your kingdom's future" Ali Baba said gaining the attention of Kija and the others

Yona furrowed her brows thinking about that then she suddenly remembered that dream of hers when she was locked up in Kai.

"Just the night before you saved us in Kai, I had a dream about a golden shield, and someone who gave me their hand and took me to a shiny place, it wasn't very clear, but i felt warm and peaceful" She said looking at the ground

After some moments of silence Ali Baba opened his mouth to talk

"Well, that makes sense, I started to believe that Luna is really involved with you somehow" Ali Baba said staring at Yona

"Let's just wait for their return - little miss - our main priority now is to save Ryokuryuu, and then we could figure out more things about that young lady" said Zeno with serious tone

"Indeed" she replied


At the main time, Luna was about to reach Kuuto, she made a few flicks in the air while they were flying, in order to assure the safety of her comrades..

Suddenly she heard a vulnerable sound, and turned her face to Jae-ha, who twitched his eyes, then opened them slowly, his gazes met the dark blue sky, and a beautiful face staring at him..

Then he closed his eyes again..

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