Chapter 55 ( Freedom )

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It was the early morning when Luna opened her eyes on a very familiar voice..

" Luna, my girl... I'm back..." she felt a warm hand placed on hers..

It took a few moments for her blurry vision to become clear, and there, he was standing in front of her...

Her blond loving Master, with his large green pointed hat, and his soft blue eyes focusing on her...

She jumped out of her bed at once..

" Yunan-San...!" she exclaimed, jumping once more into his arms...

" Hey... sweetheart... " He whispered gently.. wrapping an arm behind her back, while the other was patting softly on her head...

" Is your body feeling well...?" he asked with concern after they parted...

" I'm perfectly fine... please tell me.. how did it go..?" she asked him about what happened between The Paradise and Marley...

He gazed at her, revealing a comforting smile...

" It all went good, thanks to you... if it weren't you, they would never achieve their freedom and peace, you were so great, my dear Luna..." he said, pulling her into another soft embrace...

" Umm.." she nodded happily... " It was the faith that you've put in me... thank you, Yunan-San..." She continued, gazing at her Tutor happily... and so did he...

" Come with me Luna... let's have a talk with the others in my room..." he said and preceded her to the door..

She got out of her room to encounter a familiar young man, as he was looking at her with his green eyes, his face drew a faint smile..

" Eren...?" she uttered with surprise

" Hey..." he greeted calmly, walking slowly towards her..

" Are you feeling alright..?" he asked with a low voice...

" Yes.." she replied, her eyes were still fixed on the young man with wonder...

Luna opened her mouth, she was about to ask him something when her Master's voice stopped her words from coming out...

" Now, let's get inside, Levi-Kun is waiting..." the blond Magi said, as he was standing in front of his grand room's door...

Both of them nodded and followed him inside...

She looked at Levi's direction, he was sitting around the rounded table, Aladdin was sitting next to him as well..

" They're already awake..." She told herself..

Flashback ( Early time on that morning.. )

Levi woke up early and went outside to get some fresh air, after all, - for an unknown reason like he thought -  he couldn't sleep well last night..

After practicing and warming up his body, he sat near the small brook...

The sound of trickling water filled his ears, as he was engrossed in his deep thoughts...

For the past two days, he was trying his best to hide his worry about Hange and the others... despite the feeling of ease that he got after confirming that the Titans are no more, he remained anxious, not knowing how will the world react to these news, what if Marley and other several countries remained considering Eldians as demons, and as a threat to this world..?  what if they tried to invade their land and kill all of the people there...?

Anxiety started to overwhelm his mind...

" You need to trust Yunan... I believe in him... he won't let you down..."

Luna's voice echoed deep inside his head...

He smiled slightly...

" Hey... Erwin... looks like your ghost is still hovering around us... we became gamblers just like you... the only difference is, we're venturing our lives with something you'd never thought of before... something we never thought it really existed..."  his inner voice was speaking, as he raised his head up to the blue sky... imagining the picture of his former commander and old friend Erwin Smith...

" Venturing... with Magic...." He uttered...

Suddenly, he glanced a sparkle in the sky, and felt something strange in the air, like a huge amount of energy... and on the next moment, that sparkle grew up to a huge glow that forced his arm to react unconsciously and cover his eyes ...

" Good morning, Levi-Kun, we're back.." He opened his eyes on the calm friendly voice of the great Magi to see him smiling warmly...

" Good morning, Levi-Heichou...." the young green-eyed soldier spoke quietly, looking at his superior, then he lowered his face, a feeling of guilt seemed obvious on his face ...

" Welcome back, Yunan-San..." the corporal replied with his calm tone... then turned his face to the young subordinate ... " Eren..." he greeted him back with a calm expressionless face...

" How did it go....?" He asked, turning his face back to the Magi...

Yunan's smile became wider as he placed a hand on the corporal's shoulder..

" Congratulations, you can finally live in freedom and peace..." the blond man said...

Levi's grey eyes widened, he remained silent for long moments that felt like hours... thinking about those few words he's just heard ...

Suddenly, a pile of memories flashed in front of his eyes, as if it was a cinematic record of his past life... he saw his mother, Farlan and Isabelle, he saw his old comrades.. and Erwin, his great commander.... finally... the day they were dreaming of, the dream which thousands of them died for... he woke up on a mere day to be told by those few words that his dream, every single Eldian's dream, has finally come to life..

" H.. how...?" he uttered, after a long silence, with disbelieve...

" I'll explain to you everything inside, first of all, how is Luna..? is she alright..? did she woke up..?" Yunan asked with worry....

" Yes, she is better...." Levi answered briefly, however, his mind was concerned more about Yunan's words....

Flashback ends

" Good morning..." Luna greeted, looking at the Corporal after she had a seat next to him..

" Good morning.." he replied with a gentle smile..

After Luna, Levi, and Aladdin took places around the table, Yunan sat behind his large desk, and Eren preferred to remain standing next to him...

The great Magi looked at the three people in front of him and began telling the story without any delay...

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