Chapter 21 (Elegy of the Moonlight)

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In that night, the maids prepared a sleeping sheet for Luna in the same room that was served for Yona..

They spent the night talking.. Yona was so excited getting to know more about her new friend..

They kept chatting about different things until Yona fell asleep, and Luna did as well but...

Unfortunately, she couldn't sleep or rest well, because that nightmare showed up in her sleep again, and this time she heard a familiar voice calling for her..

"Luna, my dear.. There are other souls.. need to be saved.. They are waiting for their last hope.. to survive from their tragic fate.. you are that hope.. don't let them wait for so long.. you should return as soon as possible.."

She woke and got up from her sleeping sheet trying to catch her breath..

"Yunan..." she thought... "We must head back..." she took a look on Yona sleeping face.. her eyes softened, feeling so bad to leave them that fast..

She got out of the room trying to get some fresh air..

"There are a couple of hours yet to the sunrise, I'll tell Ali-Baba when he wakes up so we could leave in the morning" she said.. blinking at the sky..

The moon was close and beautiful that night..

Suddenly she heard a low but sweet melody.. she followed the direction of the sound.. to see a familiar person sitting under the moonlight and playing on some instrument ..

"Jae-ha..." She said with a low voice..

He stopped and turned his face to see her standing beyond him..

"Hey..." he smiled cheerfully

"Come here... I bet you couldn't sleep again" he said aiming for her to sit next to him and so she did..

"Umm.." she nodded sadly..

"I thought I could cool my mind if I took a walk, then I heard this sweet sound and curiosity led me to discover what was it" she answered smiling slightly..  "Anyways, what is this instrument?" she asked looking carefully at the instrument between his hands..

"It's called Erhu.. I used to play on it for a long time, since I was in Awa.. it calms me when I can't fall asleep" he said smiling at it..

"I see, its voice is so relieving..." she said..

"Well, I'll play it for you if that could comfort you a little bit" he said gazing at her

She blushed and looked down..

"If.. you don't mind.." she said with embarrassment

He nodded cheerfully, and started to play again..

"It's really relieving.. I could sit like this and hear it like.. forever.." she closed her eyes drowning in her thoughts ..

"Leaving you all at sudden.. this fast.. I didn't think of that, I thought I'd stay with you.. as long as I could.. I've already got touched by you.. your gathering.. your talking.. presence.. it's so beautiful.. and heartwarming.. I felt as if I was among my family.. I thought my fate and destination were only to accompany you.. and fulfill that prophecy.. to be your shield.. and comrade..

Who am I...? What's my real destiny...? Will I be able to see you all... again?"

All of these thoughts were floating in her mind.. until slumber defeated her mind and thoughts.. and she fell into a deep sleep on the closest thing that was next to her.. the arm of green dragon..

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