Chapter 39 ( I Trust You )

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"Levi.. I'm heading back to the paradise, along with Yunan-San, tomorrow morning.." Hange stated after she arranged everything with Yunan

"We're going to capture the Yeager brothers, just like what I told you before, using Yunan's power, and bring them back here.." she continued

"And..?" Levi asked

"We can prevent them from leading us to a great war with Marley and other nations, and from spoiling everything we built so far.." Hange replied with intense

"No.. I mean how you will stop them from transforming and killing you?" he questioned with a weird calm

"I already asked Yunan the same question, he said don't worry, I'll handle it.." she answered..

"One more thing... haven't you thought that Marley could strike while we're here..?"

"Yes I did.." she said looking down..


"He's going to create a barrier.. I mean Yunan.. he has some special protection abilities, actually he showed me a little sample last day.. on a tree near the house.. he casted a protection spell on it.. and no matter how many bullets I shot, the tree remained safe without any scratch.."

"Oi..oi.. give me a break...!" He said leaning his forehead on his palms.. "I'm not totally convinced yet by anything of this shit..! a barrier.. a spell..? magic..! Tch!" he said with irritation...

"It's okay... after all, you haven't seen any of it.. it's alright to be unconvinced.. but just don't forget... few years ago.. we thought there's no life in this world for us outside the walls... and we were mistaken, we knew nothing.. this is the same here... I never thought about the existence of magic... my mind was always filled with titans..." She smiled slightly...

He remained silent for some minutes..

"By the way.. aren't you relying on that man too much..? is he really trustable?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows

"Well.. yes I think he is... besides.. he has nothing to do with us.. if you think about it... a solitary man who lives with a young girl in a mere forest, what benefit could he gain from helping people like us..?" She replied

"Oi Hange... Have you by any chance become a gambler like Erwin..?" he glared at her..

"Ahh.. I think I have.. maybe this is the only thing I've learned well from him.." She chuckled ... "However, Erwin's gambles have never failed.. you know why??... because he believed in them.. and I'm believing in mine too.." she said with determination

"Gambling with magic...." he mumbled....

"Yesss!!" She said with excitement

He looked at her for a couple of minutes and released a deep sigh...

"Listen Hange... I've always trusted Erwin's decisions... no matter how crazy they were.. but I did... and the same thing goes for you now... you're my commander and I trust you..."

He stared at her more, then smiled slightly

"Aww... I didn't know you can smile..!! come here you little shortie.." She yelled and pulled him into a hug..

"Oi.. get off!! shitty four eyes..! you're hurting me..!" He pushed her away with anger... "Seriously what's your problem..?! do you want me to rip your arms off..?!" he gave her a death glare..

"Ha..Ha I don't think I want.." She released a silly laugh..

"Well... it's already late... you should get some sleep.. I'll wake you up before I go.." She gave him a warm smile..

He nodded silently..

On the meanwhile, Luna was sitting with Yunan in his grand room ..

"What's wrong Luna..? you don't seem alright.." Yunan said after he explained their plan for her..

"No.." she nodded with a soft smile..

"It's just that.. I feel a little bit worried.." she said.. looking down... "This is the first time I see you leaving the house.. it just.. worries me a little.." she continued

"Ahh.. is that what bothers you..?" He chuckled softly.. patting on her head as she raised it up looking at him with sad eyes..

"It's okay my dear.. I used to travel away for a long time, but it's just the first time since you've got here.. I had the same feeling when you left with Ali-Baba Kun, I missed your existence here you know.." he said gently..

"Anyways, they will be just a couple of days.. We'll come back soon.." he continued as he gave her a comforting smile..

"Sure.. " she replied with hope..

"Umm.. Yunan-San, I have one more question.." she asked..

"Yes, ask whatever you like.." he replied cheerfully

"I was wondering about how will you cast a protective spell around a whole island.. it needs a huge amount of Magoi.. besides, you need your Magoi to return here immediately.." She asked with concern

"I knew you were going to ask about it" he replied with confidence..

"Well, I'm not going to do it alone.. somebody will join me.." he continued looking at her confused face..

"What .. do you mean..?" She questioned..

"You'll know it... when the morning comes.." he smiled ..

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