Chapter 34 (Ocean)

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Luna prepared a bowl of warm water with a clean piece of cloth to wipe out all the traces of blood and dirt from the corporal's face and body ...

She removed his green hood along with the scouting legion's jacket, and unbuttoned his white shirt that had lots of red stains, she started to clean his chest, wiping the blood away slightly, she tried her best not to wake him up, then she sterilized all his wounds and cuts with a herbal disinfectant, following it by wrapping a clean bandage around his chest, hands, and his injured face..

A/N: I just ignored the idea of that bloody scar in his face crossing his right eye, and his lumped fingers :'( ,however I assumed the face is still injured but not in that painful way :((

"This poor man, he's injured everywhere.." She sighed with grief ..
"You're really strong, no one could make it, exposing to a horrific explosion like that.. they would die at once... honestly.. how did he survived..?" She wondered, looking at his exhausted sleeping face...

Suddenly, she heard a weak groan, released from him.. she looked at him with concern, the groan was followed by unclear words..

" he's having a dream.." she told herself


The sounds of waves, conflicting by the shore, gooses flying in the pure blue sky, the sensation of the soft breeze upon his face, caressing his black hair, and the sand he was laying on, gave him a warm feeling..

"It's so relieving..." Levi thought..

He turned his sleepy face aside looking at the bunch of people who were talking and laughing...

"Stop it, Farlan.. I'm not a little girl anymore" said a red-haired girl who looked irritated..
"Oh, yes you are.. for me at least, my cute little sister, Isabelle.." replied the other guy with a wide smile patting her head..

A few meters away.. three men and a girl were splashing in the water..

"Hey!! stop splashing water at me Oulo!" the girl fussed, covering her face from the salty water..
"What..? it's just a water.. you need to be more nice with your future husband, Petra.." replied on of the men with a sarcastic smile..
"I wish you bite your tongue and fall in this water till you drown" She spoke with anger..
"There there.. now stop it you two" said another blonde tall guy of their group
"Seriously, when will you both stop fighting, we came to relax here.." continued the other guy
"Eld, Gunter.. he was the one who started.. tell him to stop annoying me" she complained ..
"Anyways... this view.. it's fascinating.. who thought there could be a huge amount of salty water in this world.." Eld said with satisfaction..
All of them stopped and took a long glance through the horizon...

Near the shore there was another blonde man... wearing the scouting legion's coat... staring at the blue ocean...

Levi left his upper body.. looking at that man...

"Erwin..." He uttered with a low voice... however.. he got a respond... for the Blonde man turned his looks to him... giving him a soft and warm smile...

Then he suddenly felt a warm soft hand placed on his own

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Then he suddenly felt a warm soft hand placed on his own.. "Levi... my angel.." a beautiful black-haired lady sat next to him..
His eyes widened with awe..

"M..mother... is that you..? really..?" he choked..
"Yes.. my sweet heart.." She replied caressing his face, pulling him softly into a deep warm hug...
"So.. I've died.. finally.. this is the afterlife.. right?" his eyes sparkled hugging her back..
"No.. you're not.." she smiled slightly, pulling away slowly..
"Oh.. I see.." he looked down with disappointment ..
"Are you sad with that?" she asked looking in his eyes..
"No... it's just.. that.. I'm tired a little bit... this life.. is so exhausting.. Mother.." he replied trying to give her even a little smile

"You're strong... very strong... I was watching you.. all this time.. I'm proud of you.. my dear.. and I know you can resist till the end... keep fighting... and don't worry.. I'll always be there for you..." she held his hand tight...

He took a last look on his comrades

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He took a last look on his comrades... who were looking at him as well... smiling for him...

"Don't lose hope... Levi..." Her voice was echoing in his ears... Her appearance never left his mind...


He opened his eyes gradually... his mother's picture still flitting through his vision... but instead his mother's grey eyes.. there was a couple of blue ocean eyes.. staring at him...
"Mo...ther...." He whispered...
Looking at the blue eyed girl.. who sat next to him...

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