Chapter 30 (Corporal's plan)

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Two days have passed since the death of Darius Zackley and the rebellion of the Yeagerists..

They already have captured the Scouting Commander Hange Zoe, and the rest of the scouts who refused to alley with them..
Forcing Hange to lead them to where was Corporal Levi hiding Zeke Yeager..

in the main while...

Luna sat along with Yunan in his room to watch the situation carefully..
Their minds were concerned on what was happening in the forest where Zeke was kept..

The scene in Yunan's visioning spell showed:

Two of the scouts talking with corporal Levi while they were standing on a giant tree for spotting any suspicious moves..

"Zackley was killed...?!" Asked the corporal with a shocked face..
"Yes.. and the Yeagerists effectively controlled almost everything thing inside the walls.. they have captured commander Hange and the rest of the scouts.." the soldier replied worriedly as the corporal remained silent listening carefully to his subordinate...

"We believe all this chaos is caused by Zeke, he is the one who effects Eren's actions and wills" the other soldier continued..

"And...?" Levi asked quietly..
"The Yeagerists should be brought soon to Zeke, just like they've been demanding" the scout answered
"What about Pixis? Will he just give up for them?" Levi questioned
"As you pointed out Sir, the Garrisons commander remains steadfast, he is working on a plan to create an opportunity, while Eren is heading here.. unfortunately, the only way to defend Eldia from the Yeagerists and Zeke is...." he stopped looking down with sorrow..
"To have someone else eat Eren and inherit his titan... by our hands... right?" Levi said with a gloomy face..
"Yes.." answered the soldiers concisely

Minutes of silence overwhelmed upon them... and Corporal Levi looked very distressed..

"Don't .. don't be ridiculous..!" His angry voice cut out the silence..
"Huh..?" The soldier was confused

"There is another piece of filth we should deal with...! " the corporal stopped his sentence, looking at a blond-bearded man who was sitting down the tree around fire, and reading a book ..

"The one right over there.." he continued pointing at him..
"What do you mean..?" The soldier looked at his superior with confusion
"We'll transfer Zeke's beast titan.. bring one of those Yeagerists or something.. turn them into a titan and lets feed Zeke to them..." he said determinedly

"But.. sir.." the soldier stuttered

" No "but".. I know this is not our plan.. however.. I'll not let that bearded head dictate things any longer..!" Levi looked furious..

"Really Captain..?!" asked the other soldier fearfully
"Just go... and tell Pixis that.. I'll go down and deal with him for now..."

Both of soldiers nodded and went away..


The vision remains present but Luna turned her confused face to her Master ...

"What was that..? The thing about eating and inheriting titans..?!" She asked with confusion..

Yunan looked at her with silence as he was thinking about what they saw and heard..

"Well... I think there might be some special titans.. that their powers can be transferred.. like those ones of Eren and Zeke..." he stopped for some moments.. then continued..

"Is it possible that ... they should eat them.. to inherit their powers..?" He wondered..

"From what the corporal said.. obviously.... that's the way... of transferring.. " she muttered , feeling a goosebump all over her body..

"Anyways Luna.. Let's just concentrate on what is about to happen.. The corporal is up to do something right now.." Yunan said with anxiety..

Then both of them turned their attention back to what was happening next..

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