Chapter 22 (A Tender Feeling..)

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Jae-ha was playing when he suddenly stopped.. Feeling her head leaning on his arm..

He looked at her.. She was already asleep.. Peacefully..

He kept gazing at her sleepy face.. His smile faded.. and his eyes softened at her beautiful features..

"Well.. Well...You really look like an angel right now.. a sleeping one" he said with a pretty low voice..

Caressing her face.. He took a glance at every single part of it..

Her Pearly white skin, however, the fatigue was obvious on her face but it didn't affect her beauty that much..

A small fringe of her black silky hair was laying in the middle of her face..

He combed it away behind her ear..

And finally, his attention was taken by a couple of small rosy lips that were opened a little bit..

He found himself unconsciously closing his eyes... drifting to them..

His lips were just one inch away from hers..

When he opened his eyes and backed off..

"What.. am I doing....?" He asked himself, turning his gloomy face away from her..

He didn't know what's going on with him..

Taking another peek at her.. He felt a strange pain in his chest.. not knowing whether it was due to his wound or.. something else..

He remained like that for some time until he decided to carry her inside..

"you have the weight of a feather.." he whispered..

Holding her up in a bridal way.. he started to walk to the mansion heading to Yona's room..

His eyes were gazing at her sleeping face.. all the way.. Till he found himself standing in front of their room..

Carried her inside, laid her down to her sheet, and covered her sleeping body..

He took a last glimpse on her and turn his face to Yona who was sleeping peacefully as well..

Couldn't help but smile at her, his heart was relieved by that scene..

He got out quietly and went to his brothers' room to get some rest..

Little did he know.. That, someone, was watching them from behind.. All that time.. with a smile on their face..

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