Chapter 11 (Almost Gathered Again)

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"Hak...!" yelled Tae-Jun, the second leader of the fire tribe as he rushed to Hak who was hardly trying to stand up again.

"I'm fine..." he said with a voice full of pain, then continued, "go and fight with your soldiers, there's no time to waste it on me" he said as he left him and continued to fight resisting the pain of his injury.

He nodded, "I'll come back for you, just hang on" Tae-Jun said and ran with his horse towards the flank which the dragons we're fighting in.

"This situation is really turning insane!" he thought as his heart was shaking..


"Jae-ha, what are you doing?! Why are you fighting on the enemy's side?!" asked Kija furiously, waiting for an answer from his older dragon brother who remained silent showing a cold and distressed face as he continued to fight him.

"Zeno, please say something, where is Yona and Yun?" asked Shin-ah while he was resisting Zeno's attack

"They are kept as hostages at the enemy's place, and we are forced to fight on their side, now please Seiryuu, fight me back, or they will doubt us," said Zeno with an angry glare.

"No, I won't fight Zeno!" Shin-ah yelled back

"Please, Seiryuu, I won't get hurt" Zeno replied as he was grabbing Shin-ah's clothes "They will take you along with us if you don't fight!"

"Then I would fight them instead of you!" he said as he took off his mask and pointed his eyes on the surrounding soldiers who fell down immediately

"Shin-ah stop! You'll hurt yourself..!!"
Kija shouted but it was too late..

Shin-ah's body began to fall as his strength was dropping down

"Oi, Seiryuu, can you hear me? Hang in there!" Zeno shouted holding his half-conscious brother when some enemy soldier approached them pointing his sword to Shin-ah and Zeno

"It's over, they're going to take them along with us" Zeno said as he closed his eyes..

Suddenly, he heard the soldier screams and within moments, he fell down drenched in blood..

Zeno left up his head to see a young long-haired blonde man, ( which was Ali Baba in his djinn equip ) carrying a massive black sword.

"Are you okay? Zeno - San? Shin-ah - Kun

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"Are you okay? Zeno - San? Shin-ah - Kun..?!" he said looking at them with worry

"Oh, y..yes.... who are you?" Zeno asked with a confused stare

"We came to save you, just look up above.. "

Zeno and Shin-ah looked above to the far sky, where no one could see but them

"Zeno, Shin-ah, everyone! Are you alright?!" They heard a far familiar voice calling for them..  she was their princess, waving her hand for them flying along with Yun and some strange girl on a flying carpet, they were astounded by that scene..

"Don't worry, we came here to help you, we freed up Yona and Yun, there is nothing to be afraid of anymore, let's fight those cowards together, then get you all out of here" said Ali Baba

Zeno took a worried look at Shin-ah who was still weak.

"Let me carry him back to Luna and the others" said Ali Baba as he carried him on his back and used his Magoi to fly back to Luna and the others

"Luna...?" Zeno wondered

"Here, take care of him" Ali Baba said as he laid Shin-ah's body on the carpet...

"Shin-ah, are you okay?" Yona exclaimed as she rushed to him

"Yona, Thank God, you're safe" he said with a weak tone

"Don't worry, he's going to be alright" Luna said as she patted on her shoulder

"We should go and help Hak, I'm afraid he got himself injured or stuck in a bad situation" said Kija worriedly

Jae-ha nodded and jumped to look for Hak, followed by Kija, Zeno, and Ali Baba as they continued fighting here and there

"Found you" he said and hurried to land near him

Hak was relying on his spear, trying to take a breath from fighting..

"Hey, long time no see" the green dragon grinned at Hak who looked surprised

"Droopy eyes?! How did you come here, and where is the princess?!" he asked trying to hide his relief for seeing him again

"Long story, your girl is safe and sound, don't worry, now let's kill those bastards and get out of this filthy place.."

They stood backing each other and continued fighting, suddenly,  Jae-ha felt Hak's body becoming heavier

"Oi, are you alright?" he turned his face to his friend seeing him drenched with his own blood and his face was turning pale

"Hak! How could you fight with this injury" he yelled at him

"Shut up, I'm fine, don't stop they are continuing to attack as" he said with a painful sound

"No you aren't going to fight again, here's our back up, I'll take you away from here" Jae-ha said determinedly

Hak raised up his face to see the remaining dragons along with some strange guy fighting the enemy troops

"Who's that boy?" asked Hak with awe

"A new comrade, I suppose" replied Jae-ha then pulled Hak into his back, flown away with him to where Yona was

"Hak!!" Yona shouted as she saw him injured and hurried to him

"Princess, are you okay" he said as he approached her giving her a deep hug

"Yes... I was worried about you" she said with a crying voice, her eyes were drowning in tears, she felt embarrassed to show her crying face, so she buried her face into his chest, until she regained her composure and moved her head away from him looking into his blue sad eyes..

"Hak, Please rest, I need to examine your injury right now" Luna said in a serious manner

Jae-ha turned his face to see whose was that voice..

"So, is this girl behind all of that?" he wondered

"Excuse me but who are you? And how do you know us?" asked Jae-ha while gazing at her with a bit of suspicion..

"We were sent here to help you out of this hard situation, after we're done with this, I'll answer all your questions, and I believe you're injured too, Jae-ha, I must treat your wound after him" she answered returning gazes to him..

"Oh, I see, but sorry young lady, there is no time for treating me right now, I'll go back and help my brothers, please take care of this man" he said and rushed down to help the others, Luna looked at him for a bit and started to treat Hak's wound, while she was flying away with the carpet and then landed on a safe place, far a little from the battlefield

"Yun, Shin-ah, I'm counting on you to take care of Hak, I need to go back and get the others," Luna said holding Yun's shoulders and looking at Shin-ah who almost recovered

"Y..yes, of course, trust me" Yun responded

"Umm.." Shin-ah nodded

"And Yona my dear, don't worry, Hak well be fine" she gave her a light smile

Yona nodded and smiled back

"I'll get them and come back to you as soon as possible"

She looked at them once again and flew back to the battlefield

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