Chapter 38 (A Choice With No Regrets)

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Luna was on her way to the room, carrying a tray of breakfast for the corporal when Hange rushed out of the room..

"Oh..!" Luna released a surprised voice when they were about to bump into each other

"Sorry, I wasn't paying attention" Hange said with a gloomy tone

"Is everything okay Hange-San..? I came to call you for breakfast.." Luna asked observing her stressed looks

"Yeah sure, I was on my way to the kitchen" Hange smiled slightly, she patted Luna on the head and rushed to where Yunan was waiting..

Luna's eyes kept watching her for moments before she continued to her room..

She knocked the door softly and entered the room, carrying a plate that held a bowl of soup and some medicine..

She took a look at the corporal who hadn't paid attention for her entrance, for he was staring outside through the window.. obviously his mind was in another place..

"Ahem.." she cleared her throat to get his attention..

He turned his face to the direction of the sound to see her carrying a plate and getting closer..

"I bet you're hungry Captain, I brought you some soup.." she smiled softly and placed the plate on the table next to the bed..

She stood next to him..

"Would you mind if I checked your temperature?" She asked gently 

He looked at her for moments with cloudy eyes

"I don't.." he answered briefly..

She moved slowly and placed her palm over his forehead..

"There is no fever.. thank God" she said quietly and backed off, taking a seat next to him..

"Thank you..." he uttered with a faint voice

"It's nothing.." she nodded.. "Anyways, you should have your soup before it gets cold" she continued..

"Umm.." he nodded silently ..

She took up the plate and placed it gently on his lap..

He looked at the bowl for some moments and started to eat..

"Aren't you going to have breakfast as well?" He asked turning his face to her..

"I will have it... later" she remained smiling

"Tch.. you shouldn't delay your breakfast time, I don't need help for now.." he gave her a slight miffed look

"It's okay.. I'm used to it.." she chuckled softly...

"Do as you like.." he released a sigh, and started to have his soup...

"So.. how is it?" she asked..

"Not bad.." he answered briefly, and continued..

He turned his face to her after some minutes of silence..

"I know you have something to say.. just spell it out.." He gave her a cold glare that gave her a sudden twitch

"Huh..? Oh.. yes, actually I have.." she fumbled

He remained silent waiting for her to start speaking..

"Look, I don't mean snooping, but before I came here I noticed something wrong with Hange-San, I suppose you were having an argue.." she stated with some fear..

"And so what..? we always do the same.." He replied with the same cold features..

"I know you're not convinced with the plan she gave you.. and it's your right to do that.. you barely know us, and your country situation is not simple at all.." She said looking down..

His cold glances turned into serious and concerned ones..

"But if you think about it well, you'll find that there's really no other choice to do.." she raised her head and continued trying to explain her point of view as he remained silent..

"You know Captain... I'm just like you.. once in the past, I found myself here, coming from nowhere.. remembering nothing... but I chose to trust Yunan and follow him until I find my reality and my past... and this choice.. I never regretted it.." she smiled slightly

"This choice, I never regretted it...." this sentence echoed in Levi's ears... drifting him to some far memories... to the day he chose to trust his commander Erwin Smith and live for the scouting legion and the sake of humanity..

"I promised him... I can't let myself die... not yet.." He thought..

"Please.. tell me about your master's powers..." He uttered after his deep thoughts..

She nodded with a smile and started to explain to him about the Magi and their powers in a simple way.. she unraveled the way that Yunan and her were watching them and knowing their situations, she also mentioned the existence of Magicians just like her, and the warriors that can use and control their Magoi in battles which made them invincible...

"Trust me.. even strongest titans won't have a chance in front of a warrior who uses his Magoi skillfully.." She said with confidence..


Yunan's voice calling for her from outside the room stopped their conversation..

"Coming ..!" She replied back.. and turned her face to the corporal who had finished his breakfast..

"If you may.." she approached and lift over the tray from his lap..

She started to walk out of the room when she heard him..

"Young Miss, thank you.."

She turned her face to see him smiling slightly..

"You're welcome.. rest well for now and you can ask me about anything else later.." She smiled back..

"One more thing..." he asked... "If you have black tea.. I'd like some.."

"Sure.. once you have that medicine on the table.. I'll serve you some.." she replied delightedly and got out of the room..

"Luna, my dear you haven't had your breakfast yet.. it got cold.." Yunan said ruefully..

"No.. it's okay" She nodded ... "I was having a chat with captain Levi, I felt it's a priority to answer his questions and clarify our intentions to him.."

"And...?" Hange asked with curiosity

"I think he's almost convinced now, by your plan.." Luna replied

"Ahh.. thank God..." Hange released a relieved sigh.. "But wait..!" She jumped out of the chair.. "How could you convince him..?!" She asked holding Luna's shoulders..

"I... I don't know.. it went.. naturally.. I think.." Luna stuttered with embarrassment..

"Well well, Hange-San, let the girl have her breakfast" Yunan smiled.. "If you have time, I'd like to discuss some more things about our plan in my office, then we shall tell the corporal about it in details.." Yunan continued and went to his grand room, while Luna started having her breakfast then she prepared a mint tea for Levi...

"It smells so good.." he said after she served it..

"Sure.. that's the scent of mint.." She smiled confidently...

"It'll help you relax.." she continued

"Thank you.. Luna.." he uttered hesitatingly

"No problem.. Captain.."

"Just Levi is better.." he stated with an emotionless face .. "You're not one of my soldiers you know.." He released a miffed sigh..

"Oh.. sorry.. I used to hear soldiers calling you like that before you arrive here, so I just ended up doing the same.." she felt embarrassed

"It's okay.." He smiled slightly

"Well then.. I'll go now.. feel free to call me whenever you need something..... L..Levi.." Her face started to blush but she turned it quickly and went out of the room..

"I will...." He whispered... staring at his cup of tea ....

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