Chapter 26 (What's wrong with me..?)

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When the morning came... Luna and Ali Baba were flying on their way back to Yunan's house...

"Well.. what do you think Luna... about that island? What's exactly happening there..?" Ali Baba asked ...
But there was no answer... since Luna was drowning deeply in her thoughts...

"Hey... are you okay?" he put his hand on her shoulder trying to get her attention

"Oh.. yes.. sorry.. what were you talking about" she answered turning her attention to her friend..

"I was asking if you have any ideas of what's happening in the land behind the walls..." he repeated

"Hmm... I don't think I can create any idea about it... that island you know... is surrounded by mysteries.. but.. maybe Yunan-San had discovered something that caused him to call for us.." she replied..

"I think you're right.." he said taking a deep glance on the horizon...

Luna returned to her silence and thoughts again...


They arrived home after a couple of days...

She looked at the forest from above before landing...

"How nostalgic...." she thought with a faint smile...

They approached the land.. when they saw Yunan standing outside... waiting for them...

"Welcome back... Luna-Chan... Ali Baba-Kun... I'm so pleased to see you-"
He couldn't complete his sentence, for she rushed to him.. and gave him a strong hug...

"I missed you...." She said , tightening her arms around him...

"And I missed you too.. my dear..." he replied with his usual warm voice...

"I really felt lonely after you're gone... I missed your presence in the house..." he continued patting on her head...

"I kept hearing your voice in my sleep.. calling for me... every single night, I had horrible nightmares and didn't know what was happening..." Luna raised her face and looked at her tutor...

"It's okay my dear... I know... thank you for responding to my call at once... you should rest for today... I'll tell you everything tomorrow.." he looked at her softly

"That's not fair... what about me..? I'm your student too.. I should have a warm greeting too.." Ali Baba pouted his face and pretended to be annoyed

"Ahha Ha... Well.. I missed you too.. Ali Baba-Kun... I watched your battle... and I was so proud of you... both of you've done well" Yunan laughed softly...

"Wait... you mean... you were watching us..?! All that time...?!" Luna asked with a shocked face...

"Oh... actually yes... most of the time...I was worried about you, you know" he stopped for a moment remembering what he has seen..

"Since you've flown away from here... I started tracking you... I've watched you when you saved the princess from prison... when you fought the enemy troops.. when you took the princess and the dragons to a safe place..." he stopped trying to remember more..

She sighed..

"So... he didn't saw us near Hiryuu castle when I was treating Jae-ha... thank God... If he saw that.. I would be very embarrass-" her thoughts were cut off by his voice

"Oh.. and I watched you when you were treating green dragon's wound... in that small tent.. every night.. you were-"

"Stop it!!" she shouted... her face was turning crimson red

"What..? I didn't get it" Ali Baba was confused

"It's nothing!" She said with anger as her face was still deeply red..

She left them, ran to her room and shut the door...

Her heart was pounding fast...

"Oh my God...! this is extremely embarrassing... I really want to burry myself right now..! " She covered her face strongly kneeling to the ground..

After some time she calmed down and looked at her hand...

and remembered...

That warm feeling.... Jae-ha's voice... and his nice scent...

She hasn't stopped thinking about it... since they left...

She didn't know yet.. what's wrong with her...

She threw her body on her bed... and drowned again in thoughts...

"What's wrong with her..?" Ali Baba asked confusedly

"It's nothing... I think she's just tired from traveling.." Yunan replied softly...

"You should get some rest too... then I'll tell you what to do next..." he continued..

Ali Baba nodded and went to get some rest as well

"Well...well... I guess my little girl has a heart issue.." he told himself, staring at her room's door

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