Chapter 19 (King's Messenger)

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Luna woke up in the morning and took a quick look on Jae-ha who was still asleep..

She got up quietly trying not to wake him up, then got out from the tent, and headed to the river..

Taking a single glance at her reflection in the water, she saw fast flashbacks of her previous days, when she was living along with Yunan, waiting for the time when she meets the people she was destined to join and help..

"I just can't believe yet, this day had come for real" she thought with herself and started to wash her face..

The feeling of cold water upon her face was so relieving and refreshing..

"Well, I must hurry up and prepare some food" she decided

She walked away from their camping then stopped for a minuet

"What if Jae-ha woke up and didn't find me...?" she thought ... "Well, I'll not take so long, just hope he won't wake until I come back" she smiled and continued walking

She started collecting some herbs when suddenly she heard strange voices behind some trees..

"Who is there?" she thought walking carefully to those trees..

Suddenly a young hooded man revealed himself from beyond the trees..

Luna stared at him and she was about to pull out a dagger from her back..

"Excuse me young Miss, I didn't mean to sneak on you" said the young man

"Who are you, and what do you want?" She asked without getting off her guard

"My name is Min-Soo, I used to be a servant of Princess Yona and King Ill" he stopped for a moment, as Luna remained staring at him with surprise

"I was sent by Master Su-Won, to give you this bag, he thought you might need it" he continued and handed her a medium-sized sack, she hesitated a little before taking it.

"What's in it?" She asked skeptically

"Some food and Medicine, and ... trust me, no one knows about you being here, I came all this way alone just like his majesty ordered me" he said genuinely

"Well, Thank.. you" She answered after some silence

"By the way Miss, do you know anything about the princess? I heard from the soldiers who arrived today that she was captured by the troops of Kai empire, is that true?" he asked worriedly

"I... really don't know if I can trust him or not..." She kept thinking for some moments

"The princess is... fine" Luna answered at last...

"She was saved by Kouka's army" she continued as she started to walk away...

"Thank you.. young Miss" She heard his voice behind her..


She remembered leaving Jae-ha alone and rushed to where they've camped..

Found him getting out from the tent..

"Hey... Good.. morning" She said as she was trying to take her breath from running..

"Good morning... where have you been?" he asked looking at the bag in her hands

She told him the whole story.. and he was pretty confused..

"I don't know what he is up to.. Anyways I don't think we should use anything from that food or medicine" He said

"Don't worry, I can check whether it was safe to use or not" she said referring to the food and medicine

"Umm" he nodded

She used some spell to check it out, and like she expected it had no harm..

"Well, I don't think he's a bad man after all, or this is just what it seems" she said after they finished having breakfast

"I don't know what to tell you, as I said, this king boy is really confusing" he replied , "Anyways, Luna, we should leave this place, I think I've recovered well so far, and it's time to return back to Yona and the others " he said determinedly

"All right, if you're feeling better, we can depart from here today before the sunset, it's better than flying in the middle of the day,  we could be seen" she replied

"Yes, I guess you're right, then we'll fly away before the sunset"


The sun was starting to set when Luna and Jae-ha finished backing up their necessaries and their tent..

Luna pulled out a white scarf that transformed to a huge magic carpet..

"Ohh Finally! I'll enjoy the ride of this flying thing" Jae-ha smirked

"Ahh! I'm sure you will" she chuckled

He climbed it first and lent her a hand to climb as well..

When the sun vanished beyond the horizon.. they were on their way to Yona and the dragons..

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