Chapter 9 (The Princess's Dream)

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As they were flying in the sky, Luna made another swish in the air to search for Yona and the others.

They've been taken to Kai Empire, and she figured out the one behind all of this was that evil priest Gobi of Xing.

"Ali Baba-Kun, we must head to Kai empire" she said determinedly

"Were they taken there?" Ali Baba asked

"Yes, that bloody priest of Xing, he is after the powers of the dragons" she said with anger

"But, why in Kai Empire?" He replied with confusion

"Because there is a tension in relations between Kouka and Kai, and I think he is trying to seduce Kai's army to start a war with Kouka.." she replied with a stoic face

After some silent moments, she continued

"I believe he wants to use the dragons' powers for the sake of Kai empire, and I'm afraid he will force them to fight using Yona as a hostage" she said painfully

"Don't worry, we shall arrive at the right time and save them all, trust me" he smiled trying to comfort her.

"I hope so" she replied while she was staring at the horizon

After some time

"Look" Luna said and gained her friend's attention

"What is it?" he asked with questioning eyes

"Hak and the remaining dragons are up to something, they are conferring with the fire tribe general and some strange black-haired man" she said

"They are planning to save the princess -I believe- and to attack Kai empire forces" he said with a serious tone

"Yes, I think that too"

"Anyway, they will need our help, this situation is too complicated after all" she looked down

"Yes, let's see what we can do, we've got two more days to arrive" he said

She nodded as they continued their journey hoping that they will reach the dragons before something bad happens.


In the meantime, Yona, Zeno, Jae-ha and Yun were kept in an underground prison, which laid in Li-Hazara's castle, a leader in Kai's army.

"Tch, who thought that filthy priest would chase us back to Kouka" said Jae-ha with an annoyed face

"He is obsessed with our powers and this is freakingly disgusting, ahh! If only Zeno was injured, he would knock them all down" said Zeno sadly

"Don't worry Zeno, everything is going to be alright, I'm sure we'll get out of here" Yona looked at him with a slight smile

"Jae-ha, how's your wound? you didn't get enough time to rest and let it heal in Saika castle" Yun said as he looked worried at Jae-ha who smiled back and patted him on the head

"Don't worry Yun-Kun, I'm fine", Yun nodded but he didn't believe him, he knew that Jae-ha situation wasn't well with that injury

At the middle of night, Yona woke up from her sleep after seeing a strange dream..

"Are you awake dear?" Jae-ha asked with a sleepy voice

"Yes" she remained silent then continued

"I saw a strange dream" she said as she was looking at the ceiling

"Yes? Was it about Hak?" he asked trying to tease her

She looked at him, furrowing her eyebrows

"Stop being funny, Jae-ha," she said and sighed

"I saw a glowing shield, a golden one, it was in the hands of a strange person, it was a blurry version and I couldn't recognize who is it, that person took my hand and grabbed me to some shiny place" she said with confusion

"So, you think it's related to that prophecy of Ik-Su?" he asked looking at her

"I don't know, maybe, but I felt so warm and safe in that sight, it even made me regain my composure in this hard situation of us, I'm sure we're going to be okay" she said hopefully

"I hope so, Yona dear" he answered putting his hand on her shoulder

At the morning the dungeon's door opened showing priest Gobi, along with a strange man with cruel features

"I think this man is Yang Kuelbo, the leader of Tully tribe, one of the strongest fighting tribes of Kai empire" Yun whispered

He stared at them for a while..

"We are going for a war against Kouka army, and those two dragons are coming to fight with us" he said with an evil grin

"What? But Jae-ha is injured, and Zeno doesn't have any powers!" Yona answered with a loud angry tone

"Well, they'd better obey what I'm saying if they care for your life" he answered coldly

"And for this powerless dragon, I will approve it myself when I throw him in the battlefield" he said and ordered a soldier to open the dungeon's door and take the dragons out

"And for you princess, you'll stay here with this little kid as hostages, I'll make sure they'll never see you again if they disobeyed my orders" he gave them a frightening glare

"Don't worry little Miss, we'll be alright" Zeno said with a slight smile and hugged her, Jae-ha did as well.

She had a strong urge to cry, but she hated to look weak in front of her enemy

"Hak, please, hurry up..!"
She cried deep inside her mind...

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