Chapter 2 (Answers could be in Kouka Kingdom)

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She woke up by the sounds of the chirping birds on her window, feeling the warm sunlight upon her face, her eyes twitched before being opened, she took some moments to remember where she was, then got up from bed , getting out of the room,  she found no one at the living room, she looked down from the window, to see Yunan sitting down by a small river near the house, she went out and crossed the house stairs down to him.

"Good morning" she greeted

"Oh, Hello, Luna, have you slept well?" he asked cheerfully

"Ahmm.. well yeah, but... I saw that dream again" she said as she looked down

"Oh, I see" his smile faded

"Anyways, what are you doing here?" she asked

"I'm enjoying the beauty of the morning and I've just fed some little birds" he said while spreading his arms in the air and continued, "... and now it's time to feed ourselves"

"Fine, then I'll help you with breakfast" she said softly

After having breakfast, they sat down and started discussing her memories issue

"First of all Yunan-San, I was wondering why did you tell me last night that you'll help me with my memories problem, I thought I could discover something if I searched by myself" she asked while staring at him

He replied with a smile "Trust me, I know well, that going out will not help you, instead of that, may I ask you about your dream, could you describe it to me?"
" Yes" She nodded .. then started telling him about that golden shield with the dragon carved on it, she found it weird to recognize it well as if it was a real vision, she also mentioned that dawn scene, and voices of people behind her...

He remained silent for a couple of minutes, thinking..

"I'm pretty sure this dream is related somehow to your memories and the reason of you being here, and that dragon shield is the key of everything I suppose" he explained

"Maybe.. I don't know" she replied

"Well - my dear - if you may , let me think of that alone for a while, and I hope I could find some useful answers" he said, trying to comfort her

"As you like, while you think alone, I'm going to tide the house and clean up this mess" she stated with a smile

"Ah haha, sorry for that, I used to live by my own, I didn't care that much about the mess" he chuckled with embarrassment, sitting up and walking away from the table, he entered another room, and after one hour, he got out from that room looking for her in a hurry.

"Luna dear, I guess I found a good idea" he said while holding a group of books

"What is it? and what are these books?" she asked wondering

"Those are historical books, about every kingdom and country in this world", he continued "After thinking about what that dragon could be, I guess it's related to some kingdom or empire"

"I think that makes sense.."

He put the books on the dining table and started with a large one, searching about a country related to dragons

After spending some time in searching, she found some interesting information, and Yunan also told her about the great empires and kingdoms in this world while they were searching..

In the south, there was the great kingdom of Baghdad ruled by the Saluja family, and the kingdom of Sindria ruled by king Sindbad

The north included Rem empire ruled by the Alexius family

The west was almost controlled by various states, but there was an existence of a vague island surrounded by great walls

And in the east, raised the majestic empire of Kou which was known for its strong military forces, and there were other rising kingdoms and empires including Kai empire, the kingdom of Xing, and Kouka kingdom..

"So.. Yunan-san, what country -do you think- is related somehow to dragons?"

"Well, from which I know, Myths and fables about dragons are spread specifically in the east, so we can exclude the remaining states" he took a book that talked only about east countries

After additional searching, they found something interesting..

"Look Luna, it says here that Kouka kingdom was established by the great king Hiryuu, who was known as the Red Dragon, and there were four warriors who served under his rule, the legend says that they had unusual powers, which helped them control the surrounding countries and making Kouka a great and powerful kingdom, they were known as the dragon warriors"

he stopped for a little bit watching her reactions, then continued "After king's death, the dragons gradually disappeared, but  rumors say that their powers still exist in the present time..." he stopped as he was looking at her astounded face

"What is it Luna dear?" he asked worriedly

"Look, that sign in the book!" she pointed her finger to some old drawing in the book

"Yeah, I believe this is the dragon sign of the kin-" he was interrupted

"This is the same dragon from my dream!" she said with an unbelieving tone

"Oh.. I think that will clarify a lot of things..." he looked at her

"I need to know more about that kingdom, maybe I could find some answers" she said determinedly

Yunan remained silent while looking at her though his mind was in another place

' I'm sure you'll know everything in the right time ' he thought

"Well, Luna-dear I think you can learn about it by yourself for now, and we can figure later the answers that you need to find" He smiled

She nodded silently and continued reading..

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