Chapter 32 (The Magi interferes)

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"Luna..! Hey.. Luna..!! Pull yourself together"
Yunan's voice reached her ears as if she was drowning in some dark lake..

He was calling , shaking her clotted body, her eyes were hollow.. as tears remained falling off her eyes..

"Luna!!" He shouted one more time..
"Huh..?" She responded vulnerably at last..
"It's not over yet.. we'll save them... come on.. I know you're not that weak!" He said with anger..
she responded to his words and tried to summon her powers again..

"He's not dead.. not yet.. it's my anticipation.. it never fails.. besides.. those powers of him... they're not normal.." Yunan told himself

"What..? What are you going to do..?" She said weakly, wiping her tears away, cutting his thoughts..

He grabbed her hand and leaded her outside his grand room, taking his great wand along..

They went outside the house..
He placed his wand vertically on the grass, and mumbled few words , Then Luna felt a strange power coming out from her tutor and his great wand..

"Luna.. use your visioning power.." He said giving her an ordering look..
"Yes.." She responded fast and rushed to swish her wand in the air, creating a view for the same scene they had few minutes ago..

"Here they come" She said referring to Hange and the others..


"Hange-San... Hange-San... can you here me..? Hange-San..!"
Hange turned her face left and right with confusion...

"Hey.. are you hearing that..?" She asked one of the soldiers next to her
"What are you saying..?" the soldier replied with furrowed eyebrows
"Someone.. someone is calling.." She mumbled
"Don't fool around commander.. I know what are you trying to do.. don't think you can escape using those childish tricks.." He replied rudely

"Hange-San... If you can hear me.. just nod with your head..." she heard that voice again.. and.. nodded slightly..

"Great.. now just focus with me... I'm going to help you to get out of here.. first of all, I believe you heard that loud bang... It's an explosion...." the voice of Yunan was echoing in her ears..

"Head to the explosion place, Corporal Levi is lying there, he is seriously injured, we need to save both of you..!" Her face went pale and shocked, but she remained silent trying not to get attention..

The soldiers reached the place of explosion along with Hange, they noticed the shattered carriage, few meters away, laid a dead titan body, and near the river, there was a familiar body wearing scouting uniform...

"Hey... are you alive...? Levi..?" Hange approached his body and left him up..

"Tell them he's dead..." She heard that voice once again...

"We arrived in time, and our biggest threat is already knocked out" said one of the Yeagerists.. " Get away from him, commander, I'll kill him" he continued

"He is already dead.." She answered coldly
"Let me check it myself.." he said
"You should watch out for that titan's body.." She ignored him pointing at the titan's body

"Take him and Jump into the river... NOW!!" She heard that voice again ordering her..
She hesitated for a moment...

"TRUST ME!! WE DON'T HAVE TIME!!" She heard it again
She Held her breath and along with Levi, she jumped into the river..
"Hey WAIT!!" The soldiers Shouted and aimed their guns into the water ready to shoot them, when suddenly, a great wind ousted them away...


Luna felt a stronger power flowing out of Yunan, the ground was shaking, a strong stream of wind was flowing through his body, causing the ends of his green shirt and his golden hair to fly swiftly..

Suddenly, she saw them, the Commander along with the injured corporal, surrounded by a spherical barrier - the same as the one Yunan used to save her from falling down long ago - , they appeared from nothing..

"Teleportation ability... Huh.. as expected from a Magi.. " She thought as she saw them landing and the barrier started to disappear.

She didn't lose her concentration.. as she rushed into them, along with Yunan..

Their clothes were extremely wet from the river's water, and for Levi, he was drenched in water and blood...

"Please... Help... He is not breathing..!" Hange begged , looking at Yunan and his student..

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