Chapter 42 ( Outside Wall Maria )

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"The sun is about to set for the second time and yet we haven't reached our home..." Hange told herself as they were flying across the horizon

"Yunan-San.. how much left till we reach the Paradise..?" She asked looking at Yunan

"If we maintained our fly on this speed, we'll reach it by the early morning" He answered

"Don't worry Hange Onee-San, we'll reach it by time.. I trust Yunan-San's plans, they never fail.." said Aladdin with his usual joyful accent, trying to comfort her

"Indeed... Shehrazade-Sama used to trust him as well.." said Titus - referring to his Magi ancestor and the former Magi of Rem Empire- .

Hange looked at them for some moments...

"And I trust him too.." She released a faint smile, for she was anxious from the inside..

She really trusted those people but never trusted the circumstances...

What could happen to them..? What will come across their way..?

She used to expect the worse always, due to her experience in Scouting Legion Expeditions...

All those ideas invaded her mind during their fly under the moonlight...


When the sun started to rise again and the light started to reveal their surroundings, they were already flying over the ocean which was familiar to Hange... The ocean that surrounded their Home Land...

"We reached it... finally..!" She exclaimed, looking at the shore which was followed by low walls...

"So... this is the place where Marley used to transform Eldians into pure Titans..?" Yunan wondered...

After some more time of flying...

"Waaaah...! Look at this wide green area.. Titus-Kun..!" Aladdin was so excited

"Finally..! I was able to see the land of the walls.. I never thought I could...!" He continued looking at his friend with joy

"Hey..! we're on a mission here.. not to have fun..!" Titus glared at him

"Seriously... enemy could be anywhere here; from now on we should take more precautions..." Titus continued with worry

"Yes... I agree with Titus-Kun" replied Yunan

"This is the place..." Hange murmured looking down at the forest

"What..?" asked Aladdin

"The place where Levi was fighting the Beast Titan..." she continued with a gloomy face as Yunan was observing her

"I'm sure the walls aren't far away from here... Titus-Kun, use your visioning spell to find where Zeke Yeager is.." asked Yunan as he looked at Titus

Titus used his Magical wand to cast a visioning spell in the air.. looking for the blonde Titan shifter...

"This is bad...!" Titus said with a worried voice..

"He is heading to the first wall... in his titan form..!" He continued

"Hange-San, hold on tight, I'll speed up a little bit.." Yunan's face turned pretty serious from that moment on..

It didn't take them more than a few minutes to reach him as the sounds of his footsteps were becoming louder but yet, he didn't notice them..

"Who are those people in horses around him..?" Asked Titus

"I believe they are some of the Yeagerists..." Hange replied and turned her face to Yunan..

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