Chapter 4: The unfinished truth

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I could not believe all that I had just seen. I have a twin sister. Is she still alive or what? I'm so confused right now. What on earth is going on? I'm going onto another one of her moments. "You gave birth to twins yet you only know one of them,if they grow together, they'll unite and kill you just as the prophecy said,after they kill you,they'll fight amongst themselves but neither one of them will rule Angevil. I did what was best for everyone.",uncle Josh says,when my mother doesn't respond,he continues," I know how hard this is right now but I'm afraid I have even more bad news,Hope hasn't shown that she has any powers so we can let her live but your other daughter,Faith,has angel powers only yet uses them for evil,the prophet said she's after you and the kingdom,nobody can kill her except you,and if she kills you first,the only person that can change her to be good and angelic is her sister,Hope" as I am about to cry. I see another moment woth my mother in it and this time it's the day I told her I hated her and wished she was dead. "Josh,she hates me,how can I tell her that her sister is is plotting to kill me then rule unless they meet up on the month of my funeral? How do I even tell her she has a twin sister? She hates me,Josh ,she hates me and will never see how much I love her"she says then  starts crying more. I start crying,I love her. I need her. I want her. To hell with the throne, I'll search for my sister no matter what it takes. I am now going to another day,the day she died.
My mom is going to her bedroom so I follow her. As she enters the room,she pauses when she sees me. Wait ,that's not me. I wasn't home that day,I was at Christie's house,so this means that it's Faith. Faith was was sitting by the dressing table and turned to look at Katherine,then stood up and greeted her."Hello,mother. I see that you're well and forgot about your daughter,how nice and caring of you".  She holds up her hand to stop my mother, corrections, our mother from saying anything and continues."Uncle Josh told me everything,you didn't want me 'cause you knew I'd have angel powers only.",as she's about to continue talking,she spreads out her wings,sparkly purple but also black. She's floating and I see her charge up and see lightning bolts forming on both her palms. I know she's about to electrocute something or someone. "You left me,wanted me to die but guess who's dying today?  Oh yeah, you",faith says and as she's about to electrocute Kath,my mother tries to run out through the door but Faith locks it,we have similar powers. That's great,I try to smile but frown seeing that she's killing our mother. She electrocuted kath. My mother is dead. Faith killed our mother. As Katherine is officially dead, Faith hides back her wings ,walks towards Kath's body,checks the pulse,uses her x-ray vision to check if she's still alive or not. She moves things with her mind too,I have all the powers she has but I have more due to my demonic powers of like time controlling. She moves Kath's body from the floor to the bed. It looks like she's still alive and is actually sleeping. Faith then tidied up everything as it should have been, unlocks the door and flies out the window,she can also turn invisible. I see why and how we're sisters. The door slowly opens. It's Aunt Agnes. What is she doing here? She whispers my mother's name,"Katherine,oh Katherine,big sister,Kath,are you awake?". She tiptoes to where my mother is sleeping. She shakes my mother and sees she's not waking up. She takes the pillow and presses it against my mother's face. What on earth!? She wanted to kill my mother too? Agnes then puts the pillow aside on the bed,she checks the pulse and starts singing quietly while pointing at my mother,"I killed you,you died,I killed you,you died". She's even more naïve than I thought. She actually thinks she killed my mother. She's like an ant thinking it can still live even after being stepped on. She continues to talk,"Now that you're dead, I'll rule and ban your daughter or kill her like I did with you,too bad she's the only daughter you ever had,rest in hell." She smiles to herself. She now starts crying and runs downstairs shouting,"Katherine is gone,she's dead."

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