chapter 53-come home

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It's now Friday and lemme just say that this week has been loooooooong. Like way long for my liking.

But anyways not only that but I've been getting weird dreams lately and it's stressing me out.
I told almost all my elders,okay just uncle Jonas,uncle Josh,aunt Mia,aunt Agnes,dad,Hayley and my three closest friends.

So thing is when I tell them,they all give me the same response.
"They're just visiting" or "They're checking in on you".

Like hello,why suddenly? And what creeps me out the most is that when I see them,they're sitting on similar chairs,well more like the throne and they all have the same crown too. It's usually them sitting around me and I'm stuck in the middle trying to make sense of it.
I mean even mom is sitting amongst the women. Basically my grandma's and the ones before that. So it's the bloodline of our queenship.

So now I'm trying to concentrate on what I'm watching since I can't really sleep.
Christie has some of her cousins at her place staying over so she left earlier on. Chris and Jace left about 2 hours after her cause they had planned to go to their own kingdom for the weekend. Chelsey,well she came for like 2 hours then was fetched by her mom.

So I'm actually watching Tom and Jerry,which I was not aware of until now.

Okay fuck this,I'm going to bed.

I switch the TV off and head to my room.
I get on the bed and slip under the blanket. It didn't even take much effort to sleep so hurray.

"Come home",a voice says causing me to wake up.
What the hell is it now?

"Come home",it says again.
Okay lemme just follow the voice.

"Come home".
Okay up in the attic.
I teleport to the attic.

"Come home".
From the dimension bowel.
"Come home",it chants. For some reason I want to go 'home'.

I take out one dimension marble since I have to go home,I can teleport back if I want.

I throw it down and enter through it the moment it opens up for me.

I look around and I would be lying if I said this place was not breathtaking.

It's full of plants,mostly the healing types. There are many fruitful trees,magical wild creatures,the area has hills that seem to be very fertile and welcoming.everything is very bright and full of life.
"Come home".

Okay now that is starting to annoy me. Can't I just enjoy the scenery ?
"Come home".
"Ugh I'm coming ",I groan .

"Come home".

I keep walking to where the voice sounds to be coming from.
After a few more steps I come upon what seems to be a portal. Okay there's definitely a hidden place under that.

It seems like a simple glowing transparent colour.
I trail my fingers on it and it glows. Still transparent but now with some sparkles on it. Not that it's much of a surprise, Angevilans love sparkly things.
"Come home".
The voice says bringing me out of my trance.
I was loving the scenery but yet again I'm being called.

"Come home".
I go in through the portal and see a cave entrance or maybe it's the exit,oh well I'll still enter.

I go in and at first it was just dark but when I got in,just 2 steps and it was bright,well sparkly. Gems or should I say jewels,everywhere. I haven't seen these types in a while. And it's usually never in this amount of it. This is a sight to see. If only I could stay here and-
"Come",the voice interrupts my thoughts.

Oh wow so now you're not saying come home?
I roll my eyes and go further into the cave following the voice which keeps telling me to come.

As I walk and keep following the voice,I see an opening that is brighter than where I'm walking and that's where the voice is coming from.
I walk faster and end up running to it.
When I reach there,I go through and see chairs in a straight line. There are people sitting on them with all their backs facing me.

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