Chapter 12-First drive

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It's been a week since my mom's funeral and well the end of my school holidays. We returned back to Gauteng since it's where we actually live our supposed normal lives.
Today is Saturday and school is on Monday .

Christie and I planned to meet up today afternoon just to talk and catch up since she was at a summer camp.

When I'm ready in my boyfriend jeans,floral off-shoulder shirt and some white sneakers,I grab my phone and head downstairs. I notice aunt Agnes busy in the kitchen,she comes as often as possible to make sure everything is in order,she wanted me to choose between living with her or uncle Josh. And I knew there was no way I would love peacefully with any of them so I told them I can manage on my own.

"Uhm ,aunt" I say and she takes a look at me.

"Yes? And why are you all dressed up? Have you forgotten you have to prepare for school which is on Monday? You're not getting any special treatments just cause I'm your aunt and-" I cut her off and say,"Aunt,I'm going to meet up with Christie,and I'll be back in an hour or 2,I don't know if you'll still be here but yeah,also don't worry about giving me special treatments,I won't bother you or any of the teachers at school"I conclude then say bye as I head towards the door.

Christie's house is just a walking distance and well closer to Jace's place. They're actually front opposite neighbours.
As I walk I put on my airpods and press play on my phone to listen to some music.

I didn't notice that I was actually in front of her gate already.

I dial her number on my phone so I call her to come outside and she doesn't pick up. I try again and still nothing.

"Christie!",I shout out her name at her gate hoping she's there.
"Christie!"I shout again but nothing.

"You know she's not back from wherever she went with her mom yet right",a familiar voice says behind me and I turn to face the owner of it.

"What? So you're keeping tabs on her now?"I ask in a bored tone as I cross my hands up my chest and roll my eyes.

He chuckles then says,"Even if I were keeping tabs on someone,that would be you,don't you think?"he says and as I'm about to ask what that meant he cuts me off .

"Christie told me you two were supposed to hangout and that she had to go to the mall with her mom,she isn't sure when she'll come back"he says.

"But couldn't she have texted me?",I say in annoyance that I walked here all for nothing.
So I walked all the way for nothing,I say to myself.

"You didnt come here for nothing" ,he says.

"Wait how did you hear that?",I'm pretty sure I thought that to myself ,I didn't say it out loud,did I?

"Uhm,what?"he scratches his neck and says,"She also said I could keep you company at the place you two had to go to".
I look at him suspiciously but just respond.

"Well ,we were supposed to go to McDonalds but since she'll find us there,let's go". I say as I walk towards him.

"Uhm okay, I'll drive us there then."he says and I follow him as we walk closer to his house.

"You can drive right?",I ask him looking for some assurance that I'll be in safe hands.

He smirks and says,"I can drive with my eyes closes,hop in"he cocks his head to show me to get into the car. I take a moment to process the car infront of me and I gotta say,I don't really know much about cars but I like this one cause well,it's a Mercedes Benz .

 I take a moment to process the car infront of me and I gotta say,I don't really know much about cars but I like this one cause well,it's a Mercedes Benz

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I get in the car and the interior is even better than I expected. This car got me feeling great,I love it.i say to myself. Damn this car is amazing,black leather seats and well the interior is mostly black and a hint of silver,the windows are dim. I just love this car.

"You love it?"he asks which brings me out of my thoughts.

"Yes actually,I would like to drive a car like this one day but I don't think I can buy it by myself anytime soon,plus it's not like you would allow me to drive yours so"I shrug at the end still looking around in the car .

"Who said I wouldn't allow you?"he says and I turn immediately to face him.

"Can I drive?"I ask with a huge smile.

He chuckled and says,"Why not?"

We exchange seats and now I'm driving.

As I drive to the McDonald near Greenstone mall,I can't help but smile all the way.

I did pass the speed limits here and there but luckily , no cops.

We finally arrive and as I park I say,"I can't believe I just drove us here,in this car"I day pointing towards it."And to think it was my first time!" I say to myself.

"Wait what?!"he shouts which caught me off guard.

I stare at him in shock and confusion at the same time.

"Did you just say it was your first time driving?",he asks.

Uh oh...

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