chapter 46-killed them

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"The attic",I say as I teleport there to find nobody.

Okay maybe in the rooms. Yeah the rooms.
I teleport to my room and find faith on the bed lying weakly on the bed and Micheal standing on the side.

His back facing me.

He has a dagger but it doesn't look like a normal one. It looks like it's made of jewels. Green ones to be specific,but he's wearing a glove. He isn't touching it with his bare skin.

Maybe it does something to him.

It does. It burns him. One stab and he's a goner.

I have to get my hands on it.

"I told you that you'll regret it",he says turning to face me.

I sense someone behind me. Walking slowly and quietly. That scent is unfamiliar.

A hand tries to cover my mouth while the other tries to pull me by the neck. I quickly bend back a bit to the person's side,pull them over my shoulder and slam them down the floor.


I look down confused then look at the bed to see faith.
I look down again. The face seems to be glitching,changing to Gift then faith then gift again.
I kick him causing him to roll over the side so he isn't in the way of me nor Micheal and he coughs out blood. Now his face is clear.

"You're weaker than I thought",Michael whispers looking at Gift in disgust.

"I don't know what business to you two had but I want you to get the hell away from my sister",I say sternly.

"And what if I don't?",he says with an evil smirk.
"I'll end you",I say glaring at him.

"I would like to see you try",he says before taking out a bottle and quickly pours it down around the bed.

A pinkish purplish shade covers them. It's a protection one. He's so dumb.

"How's that powder supposed to stop me?",I ask walking closer.

"You can't get in. You'll watch me end your sister. As I stab her continuously",he says with an evil smirk.

"You know I know you were eavesdropping but you are bad at that. Spells don't work on me. They work for me. If I want I can stop you right now",I say standing right in front of the force field.

"I would like to see you try",he says and turns to faith. He holds the dagger above his head and pushes is down so he can stab faith but I use my mind telekinesis to pull the knife back above his head and turn him around.

"You underestimated me and I don't like that",I say and strangle him,not with my bare hands but my powers. I release him and as he coughs out trying to catch his breath and then looks behind me.
I sense Gift walking slowly towards me.

"One more step closer and you're dead",I say sternly.
He stops right in his tracks.

I look at Micheal straight in the eyes and say,"Michael".
"Yes",he says as his eyes turn completely black.

"You'll let go off that dagger right now and stand still",I say and he obliges.
As he lets go off the dagger,I use my mind telekinesis to float it at his chest. I use my telekinesis with my left hand to make him stand up straight.

I stab him in his chest using my other hand. I pull it out then stab again on this chest. He falls down.
I enter the force field and see the small burns slowly spreading on his body.

"Goodbye",I say as I float the knife towards his forehead and stab him. His eyes start bleeding,his nose and ears. A disgusting sight but I'm glad I did it.

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