chapter 32-father and daughters

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I woke up,expecting to feel pain or even a headache but nothing .I felt okay,woke up like I always do.

I open my eyes slightly to take in my surroundings and I'm in my bedroom. I'm alone though. Faith isn't here. I walk around the house and there's no sign of anyone. I decide to go back to my room to make my bed.
The door is closed and I hadn't closed it.
Ah well.

I open it. But this isn't my room,before I can turn back,the door disappears and I'm in the middle of a room,one would think it's an abandoned garden house that's taken care of by nature itself.

The woodwork seems ruined but the plants seem well.

I walk around and see a man,nursing a plant ,his back facing me.
He slowly turns around to look at me.
I swear he looks like someone I know.
Could it be him?
"Dad?", I ask .

"Hope?",he asks and I smile as I nod and feels tear flow down my cheek.
We walk towards each other and hug it out.
"I missed you my grape girl",he says and I look up at him in confusion.
"Grape girl?",I ask.

"You love grapes more than anything",he says with a laugh and I join him.
"Where are you dad? Who hid you from us?",I ask him. I know it's Josh but I want confirmation from him.

"Your uncle,Josh. He put a spell on this place. It's hard to exit without a portal. He comes and goes. I've been here for years. When he told me your Mom was pregnant but it wasn't mine,I chose to leave cause he told me that she had been using me. When she was about 5 months,I found out that he lied and wanted to hear it from her but he beat me to it and brought me here. I used your Mom to see you and Josh to see faith. But this place is going to fall down and I might die. Please hurry up. "

"But how come I'm only seeing you now?",I ask him.

"You're not. I've always visited you in your dreams. You just didn't remember. Now that you're 16, you'll remember all the times I saw you and we spent time together",he says.
"Really?",I ask with a small smile and feel a tear rolling down my cheek.

"He's coming,I have to go. Come soon,honey", he says and I suddenly feel the room shaking.

"Hope!",someone shouts.
I look at dad and he's not there.

I turn around looking for him but see a line of mirrors in front of me,I look at the mirror and it's my reflection but I have wings spread out,they're sparkly white instead of my sparkly blue. I'm even wearing a necklace,one similar to my mom's. She used to wear a necklace similar to this one but mine has a blue stone while hers had a black stone in it.

I touch it to try to process everything right now.
The room shakes again and again with a voice shouting out my name.

I suddenly lose control of my wings which cause me to fly up. But there's no way out at the top. I keep flying at a very fast speed.

I suddenly see clouds gathering around me. Then there's lighting. It strikes towards me.

Before I can get hit,I jolt awake.
I'm in my room with a worried Christie,aunt Mia and Faith.

I look at all of them,one by one.
Christie seems like her normal self and so does aunt  Mia,just that they look concerned.

Faith looks the same but a necklace similar to mine with a purple stone in it.

She looks at my neck. Then behind me.
"Your wings",she says.
I look at her confused.
"They're no longer that sparkly blue. They're white. Mine also changed to red",Faith tells me.

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