chapter 16-visions

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We have 8 lessons in total each day. We have 2 lessons first then the 3rd period is for register-we go there to get our names ticked to show we're present at school-then 2 lessons followed by a break,then 3 periods before it can be after school. So to be very specific the day goes like this-period 1,2, 3 which is register,4,5,break,6,7,8 and then after-school.

So now we're heading to our second period which is Mathematics and I have to go take my books from my aunt's office. The books are too heavy so my aunt lets me leave my books in her office and I have the keys in case she's not there.

I ask Christie to tell our math teacher,Mr Sibanda that I'm going to take my books. I'm a good student so all teachers like me,I mean it's not surprising.
Not only am I the principal's niece but I'm a very good student.
Most teachers liked me before they knew I was even related to the principal,they became a bit more nicer but I asked them to treat me like they would treat other students and luckily they did.

As I walk towards the office I ask ,"Where are you going?".
He still continues to walk with me and as I unlock the door,he says," A thanks would be nice you know,I escort you and you give me that attitude. I'm very disappointed in you,young lady",he shakes his head while I put the books necessary for the next lessons I'll be seeing.
After doing that,we walk out the office and I lock then say to him,"I never asked you to follow me,it's not like you're my boyfriend or anything like that, you're simply my friend"then I shrug.
I've had a crush on this guy for many years now and he actually has a girlfriend, Juliana and let's just say she's not on my good side.
"Wow that hurt me here-",he puts his hand his heart"-are you telling me that you don't even have a tiny crush on me"

I smile and say,"Not everyone will like you,and in this case,not every girl will have a crush on you so stop talking and keep walking".

We get to class and nod at Mr Sibanda as we take our seats. Mr Sibanda continues-,"Okay class,surely there was no problem with the work I gave you yesterday. For the first question, you just had to give the equation of the graph of f if it is reflected on the y-axis..."

Before we know it, we're now in period 5 for Life Sciences. During the lesson,an announcement was made through the intercoms that we would have assembly before break .

During assembly we were given a few announcements about what to expect this term and stuff like that and well my aunt called me to the office then dismissed us for break.

People weren't used to me being called to the office so there were a few whispers here and there but I didn't care.

I tell Christie I'll meet her at the field near the netball court. Nobody usually seats there but us. We're different so we prefer the peace and quiet. There is a round table and benches around it.

I head to my aunt's office and when I'm about to knock on her door I hear her talking to someone.
The door is a bit open so I'm not really guilty there.
"She has to come back and rule her kingdom or we get her a successor while she finishes her studies",a familiar voice says. I've heard it before,from the kingdom,but I can't put the voice with the face. It sounds like uncle Jonas but I haven't heard his voice in a while so I'm not sure.

"She can't come now, I'll be the successor plus she still has no powers so her being the queen right now won't be good",my aunt says .

"Who said she doesn't have powers,she has them already and so does her sister",the man says .

"She hasn't shown any powers yet and what sister are you talking about. Katherine had only one daughter,which is Hope. Don't tell me about Faith,she's not going to come back and nobody knows where she is",she says.
"Go ask your brother where Faith is",the man said.

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