chapter 34-sister time

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"what distracted you? We would've had a tie but you suddenly stopped and I felt like you saw something that made you feel concerned",she says.

"I don't know. I just feel like I've been seeing dad and it is a great feeling that he was there for me in my dreams but I don't get why I'm only remembering now",I say as I try to nurse a plant.

"You'll kill these plants if you don't feel at ease ",she says and I take note notice that instead of giving the plant in front of me some life,I'm draining it.

I stop and seat next to her.
She pats her lap and I put my head.
As she start to caress my hair i say,"I feel like one of those people who got their memories erased. It's like my memories were wiped and now I'm getting them back cause of the powers I have. It's like I have mysteriously forgotten a part of my life and I have no idea how or why. I mean dad did say that it's because I was not yet 16 which is why I wouldn't remember but a part of me feels like that's impossible,like someone caused it for me to forget those dreams. Why forget dreams where I saw my own father but remember for other people? It's like it was planned out. I don't know fay. Do you remember your dreams with dad?",I ask her at the end.

"I know what you mean but uncle Josh had told me once that some dreams are going to be blocked from our memories. He told me that it has been done to every single soon to be queen. You only start to remember the dreams when you turn 16. Before that,you won't remember. It's a spell that was made to keep us from our fathers. You know how we aren't actually supposed to be with them. I mean the kingdom will be so surprised that we found our dad. And trust me,I'm also in shock of it. I mean it has never been done. But here we are"she says.

"Faith,do you think we'll get in trouble with the elders if we put dad in charge of the kingdom as the regent while we finish up with school?",I ask out of nowhere.
"Oh hell yeah. Let's do it actually. I mean I know he's a man but he won't really be ruling. He'll basically be our eyes and ears,our representative. He will make decisions based on our say. So I think we should ask him",she says.

"So you want to do this just because we might be in trouble ",I say.
"Technically yes but also because I care",she says.
"And people thought I was the bad girl. Have they met you?",I say and we both laugh.

"Oh they haven't",she says
"Have you met Timothy?",I ask and she nods.
"I like him ,he's my favourite",she says.
"Me and dumbtim are always bickering over dumb stuff but I still like him. Jason is my favourite though",I say.
"Oh you mean Sonny",she says and we laugh.(pronounced as sunny)
"What?",she asks.
"How come you're allowed to call him that. That was the first nickname I gave him and he told me he wouldn't respond so I called him Jay",I tell her.

"Oh he was so against it. I just kept saying Sonny ,Sonny boy and he was like I'm very irritating and I was like oh you love me and he just rolled his eyes answer kept bickering", she says and we laugh.

"I see what you mean. You argue with my favourite and I argue with yours. It makes sense",I say.
"Oh and uncle Craig,that man needs to take a break and get laid. We're at a family dinner and you tell me about math work. He even asked me about the quadratic formula and he's lucky I know it. He just kept talking and talking",she says shaking her head and we laugh.
"Our family is somehow interesting", I say nodding.
"Oh I know,aunt Mia is my first favourite but aunt Mary. She is so cool. I can't wait to see her again."she says with a genuine smile.

"You just saw her yesterday",I say with a laugh.
She stops caressing my hair just to playfully hit it and says,"Don't say that. Plus being with the family is nice. We shouldn't only see them when we have occasions",then she caresses my hair.

"I know what you mean. Every weekend,Mom used to make sure we go see our relatives. But now that she's gone,I don't know",I say with a sad smile.

"We can go on our own,maybe with aunt Mia.",she says.
"Yeah plus we still haven't talked to dad. I don't know how we should tell him",I say.
"Tell you what? Let's ask him during dinner. I know he can't say no to us",she says and I nod.
After a few minutes,aunt Mia calls us for dinner.

It's already 18:00,for some people it might be early to eat but for us it's the right time. We know that we finish eating at around to 19:00 and have to get to sleep at 20:00.
Time is power for us.

So we head inside and today we're having several colours. Others call it seven colours and others call it Sunday Kos. I don't know why but yep.

So,now we're eating and I have to say,aunt Mia is a great cook

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So,now we're eating and I have to say,aunt Mia is a great cook.
"This is so good",I say.
"I know and we can't even tell her since she left already", faith says.

Aunt Mia had to go to her own home. She said she would be back before we wake up. We agreed that she'll sleep here during the week when she can but on weekends she must be with her family. During the week,she'll go to work as usual but will be staying with us to make sure we're safe and fed.

We continue to eat and talk about our plans for tomorrow.
Once we're done eating,we do the dishes and dad is sitting with us in the kitchen.
"Uhm dad?",i ask.
"Yes ,hope",he says looking at me while pouring water in his glass. I wipe my hands and faith puts down the dishcloth as we turn to stand opposite to him with the kitchen counter between us.

"We have a tiny favour to ask you",faith says showing a tiny space between her thumb and index finger.
"Oh no. You used your fingers,this must be huge. What do you girls want me to do?",he asks in worry.

"Well you see,we have to rule the kingdom",I say.
"And we're not ready yet",faith says.
"Since we want to finish with school",I say.
"So we were talking about it earlier and thought",she says.
"Why not get a regent?",I say.
"Yes and we thought of who if not our lovely,amazing, intelligence,angelic, trustworthy, reliable,honest,caring,respectful,amiable,admira-",she gets cut off by dad.

"Get to the point girls",he says.
"We were wondering if you could be the regent",we say at the same time.

He looks at us shocked and says to himself,'they are good at pranking aren't they...lemme wait for them to tell me it's a joke so we can laugh it out'.
"Dad, we're not joking",I say.

"Oh hope,I know you two are very smart and want to pull this off. Don't worry it's okay you got me. Now let's be serious. Who will be the regent?",he asks.
'i hope it's not Agnes or Josh. Kath wouldn't be pleased if they were on the throne.',he says to himself.

"Dad,we want you as the regent",faith says and I nod.
"Girls that's impossible. I can't take that role,I'm a male",he says .

"We know that but our say is final at this moment",I say.
"Not really,you two haven't been crowned yet . The council has the upper hand",he says putting away the glass.

"Really dad. We know we'll rule anyway so can you just accept being the regent. We don't want to be picking out of desperation only to be betrayed at the end. Do this for Angevil",faith says.
"For mom and us too",I say.
Faith and I both put our hands on his. He looks down at the hands.

'if I do this,then I'll be helping not only my girls but the kingdom. Kath would be glad that the throne is not in the wrong hands. But do I have what it takes to be a regent?',he asks himself.

"Dad. Don't doubt yourself okay. You are an amazing person. And if it makes you feel better,you'll basically be there representing us when we're not there. You'll basically be running things while we're here and we'll tell you what to be doing. You won't do everything by yourself cause we'll be here",I say.

"Are you girls sure you want me to be the regent?",he asks.
"Never been this sure",we say at the same time and he nods.

"Then I'm honoured to say that I'll be the regent of Angevil",dad says.

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