chapter 9: funeral again

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Okay so there's a coffin,I mean it's pretty obvious that it's a funeral. I am starting to worry at whose funeral it is and where my sister is . Aunt Agnes approaches me with a pitiful face and says,"oh honey,I'm so sorry you had to lose her but don't worry, I'll be here . I'm here if you want to talk,I mean you've been upstairs for a long time now."

"What's going on? " I asked.
She gave me a confused look and replied,"Oh I don't know,it's a halloween party where everyone is supposedly sad"she waves her right hand to show me people around us. I stared blankly at her,I knew she was being sarcastic but I was confused. She rolled her eyes then replied in a annoyed voice"Oh for pumpkin's sake,it's your mother's funeral and you don't seem to care".

"What!?", I shouted and suddenly all eyes were on us.

"Wow,what a drama queen" she says as rolls her yes and folds her arms to show seriousness.

"Okay,so you're telling me,my mom is bring buried again?",i slightly tint my head as I ask.

"Hope, are you okay? Look I get that this is hard on you considering that you haven't even cried about her death or even show that you're mourning so maybe you should go lie down." She says as she puts her hand on my back to lead me up the stairs,I pause everything,I'm so glad I can pause everything ,even those with powers. It's just so amazing .

I move from her hold and walk towards the coffin. I stare at her . So she's dead. Well that's a second. I shake my head with my eyes closed in realisation of my mistake.
It's the third time. Well it's a third for me so see her dead.
Wow this woman might have nine lives. I wonder if she'll wake up again cause if she woke up now,it would be so damn funny. It would be a funeral to never forget . I laugh at the thought of it.

Okay Hope focus. So everyone thinks she just died now meaning that I went back in time and I'm young again . So Faith is probably going to show up in a few days, probably a week or so. Aunt Agnes still thinks I don't have powers or some sense,Uncle Josh still thinks he'll be in charge now that my mom's gone. Well seems like I have a lot of acting to do.

As I walk back to aunt Agnes so we could continue where we left off,I remember what my mom said about her saying she would try to make things right for me and she meant i would go back to relive everything.

I break the time pause so everything is back as it was. I am now walking up the stairs and the she devil is holding my waists and I can hear her thoughts,'this little brat,she doesn't even seem affected by this funeral,oh well at least she doesn't even have powers so taking over will be easy,as soon as I get rid of Josh,ughh that pig,it's only a matter of time before I -'.

I stop at the door and interrupt her thoughts,I just couldn't take it. This woman really thinks she killed my mother,I so want to laugh at her face right now to tell her that she couldn't even do it no matter how much she tried but instead I ask her,"Hey aunt,now that my mom is gone,who's going to rule?I mean neither you nor uncle josh can rule considering that I'm her daughter, and I'm the only one that can rule unless I give the throne to someone else ."

She was about to say something when I continued,"You know what? Forget I ever said that ,we haven't even buried her yet so I shouldn't worry about the ruling . I mean I still have school to go to,I'm only in grade 11 and still have grade 12 next year so I can't just up and leave for the throne . I mean I have to stay,i want to pursue my career as a lawyer. I can't just up and leave" I say in frustration and she's actually buying it.

'Oh this stupid girl thinks I'll let her rule,not on my watch' she says to herself then covers my mouth and leads me inside the room and motions me to sit down besides her on the bed then says to me,"Your mother and I have always suspected that this might happen and we agreed that I would rule while you are still in school . We agreed that only I was allowed to rule until I felt you were ready and fit for the throne. So you don't have to worry about the throne while I'm here okay?"

I stare at her then say," But how ?Did she know it was heaven o'clock for her or what? I mean for her to just discuss this to you and I thought uncle Josh was going to rule after her if I was not ready yet" ,I only said that to piss her off and it did.

She was staring at me,'you little piece of shit and your mother think you can give josh the throne with me alive,we'll see about that'. She then says to me," We'll considering that you're the one who had to rule, you'll have to choose who you want to rule while you further your studies,but I know that you'll choose me considering that your mom did too and-" she was interrupted by Uncle Josh.

"And what exactly? Are you fucking kidding me right now?" He says as he walks inside the room and shuts the door behind him.
"Our sister is not even literally six feet under and you're already trying to take her throne " he says in disgust while starting at her.

"Who said anything about me wanting to take the throne? We both know that she's not ready,she's just a child and hasn't even gotten a single power so how will she rule? Katherine had said I would take over if she was to die and she did so why are you fighting this arrangement Josh?" She stands up and walks towards the window and continues," The day she died,before she closed her eyes and had her last breath,I was with her and she said I would have to do it,only queens have ruled Angevil and we-"she says while using her finger to gesture between them-"both know that,she knew I was fit hence she said-",uncle josh stoped her.

"What do you mean the day she died with you there? Last time I checked you said you went to wake her up to talk about Hope's birthday party preparations. So how did you talk to her,see her close her eyes and catch her last breath?" Uncle josh said .

"I,um,see thing is,she she said that um,ah,I should rule ,you know for time being." She tried to reason but seems like I wasn't the only one not buying it.

"Agnes..."uncle josh said and while starring deeply into her eyes. His eyes had turned from ocean blue to black ,while aunt Agnes's eyes were also the same shade of black as his. He was using his mesmerizing power,that was another power I had,but I disliked. Just that power,and you can get someone to do what you want just as long as they don't have the same power and well Agnes didn't have it.

"...I want you to tell me what happened the day our sister died" he finished his sentence and well she's going to start talking .


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