chapter 44-jealous

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"Kabelo",Christie says hugging him.
"Hey baby girl. Missed me?",he asks wiggling his eyebrows.

"Obviously,your training is finally complete right?",she asks.

"Yep plus I came just so I could see you three",he says before turning to faith.

"Faith",he says with a smile and wide open arms.
He pulls faith into a hug which she gladly returns.

'im gonna murder him',Jace says to himself while glaring at Kay.
'baby girl. No one can call her that. She's mine. He's so dead',Chris says to himself also glaring at Kay.

If looks could kill,Kay would be a million feet under.

Oh definitely.

"Can you tell your boyfriends to stop starring at me. I mean I know I'm handsome and all but seriously.",Kay says causing us the girls to laugh.

'Be careful of that one hope,he's not good',he says inwardly to me.
'I know, we'll soon find out what he has planned. I can tell he's up to something',I respond.

'Good girl',he says smiling.
"So you're here for the stuff right. Uncle Jonas had it prepared 2 days ago. Man I can't believe your uncle really made the witch or was it a prophet,lie about your mom's prophecy. Can you believe it?",Kay says shaking his head.

"What are you talking about?",I ask confusedly.
"You remember that everyone gets prophecies once in a while and the one your Mom was given was half a lie. I mean that has to suck. But let's go so uncle Jonas can tell you about it",he says and we start walking toward the elders spell room.

"Don't tell me he did it",I say shaking my head at Kay.

"Oh but you know he did. He would never let you fight with plain equipment, he'll make it more useful",he says changing his voice when he says useful.

"Feels like I haven't seen him in years and I last saw him last Saturday",I say shaking my head.

"A week feels like a year for us",he says shrugging.
We stop in front of the wall,well not everyone can enter. Only those of the royal bloodline,or those in close relation and elders can enter.

"Well I guess this is it. I'll see you guys later ,we have a lot to catch up on",he says hugging us,the girls to be more specific.

"See you la-",he stops then says,"-actually no. Bye",he says shaking his head then goes.

"I don't like him",Jace says lowly whikeglaring at Kay's back.
"Me neither",Chris says while doing the same as Jace.
"The feeling is mutual",Kay shouts causing us to laugh,except for Chris and Jace.

"Can we get over with this?",Chris asks.
"Uhm yeah",I say nodding.

"Hayley",I say.
"Babyyy",she says the moment she teleports right next to me and hugs me.

"Cee",she says turning to Christie.
"Fayyy",she says turning to Faith.
After hugging us all.
"Boys",she says sternly with a nod.

So Hayley is a white lighter. Basically a guardian. It's like a position next to being like an elder. So she's knows that I have powers,maybe she knew all along but didn't press on it as she knew that wasn't allowed. She's my guardian when I'm not in the human world. 

She turns to me,"Feels like years since I saw you three but it was just last Saturday".

"I know. But I'm here and it's not good news",I say.
"What did you do this time?",she says with a raised eyebrow.

"What?! It wasn't me this time,I swear",I say defending myself.

She turns to the others who nod.

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