chapter 35-kill me

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Mondays are supposed to be filled with nothing but happiness and me. I mean we need some hope for the days to come.
We need to feel good that we are starting yet another week.

But in this world,it feels like hell. The thought of school itself is trauma. I just want to go back to sleep. But sadly I got to go learn cause apparently education is the key to success. I don't even need a key to open a door why would I need it for my success when I can easily do it with my eyes closed.

Anyways,I just woke up. I'm already used to it but faith isn't since she was home schooled.

We've been sharing my room since she came so I consider it ours now.

She said she wants her own though so who am I to argue.
"Faith, wake up",I say, well more like whisper.
I mean it's only 5 in the morning and since I haven't taken a shower or did my business or eaten,I'm not in a good mood.

"Leave me alone",she groans.
"Okay I'm going to shower,and if you aren't awake when I'm done,you'll regret it",I say as I head for the shower.

Dad left for the kingdom yesterday to talk to uncle Jonas. Then aunt Mia called and said we would see her after-school when we get home.
She knows that aunt Agnes will fetch us with our breakfast ready .

After my shower and my other business,I get out of the bathroom and head to the closet to get my uniform.

As I pass near the bed,I notice that it's already made and a sleepy faith is sitting on it.
"Good morning sis",I say with a smile as I put on my bra and panties.
"What is good about this morning?",she says heading to the bathroom.

"Everything",I say.
I'm a morning person but that is after I have my shower ,food is just a bonus.

"I know a few mental institutions that can help you",she shouts from the bathroom.
"I don't need help. I'm perfectly fine",I say as I take out the uniform and make a duplicate of it for Faith.

I do the same with the school shoes and white socks.

After getting dressed,I take out my books. Well the ones I have on me. Faith is also done showering so she's getting dressed too.
I take out my timetable to see where I'm starting today and it's day 6.

I have a computer lesson and a double math. I check the subjects for today. History...yes. life sciences...nope. Life Orientation...nope. English...yes. Afrikaans...yes. Business studies...yes.
So in order it'll be...
8-business studies

So I have my my L.O,Life Sciences,English,Afrikaans, Mathematics and history books. My business book is at school . So I'll leave my L.O and Life Sciences books for today.

"You'll do my hair right?",she asks.
"Yeah and you'll do mine",I say.
I still haven't styled my hair but at least it'll be done now. We sing do it by chloexhalle.

 We sing do it by chloexhalle

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