chapter 23-finally

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After watching 5 movies,that we all chose individually.
We first watched Jumanji-welcome to the jungle which Faith chose, Jumanji-the next level which Christie chose,The Mummy which I chose, Fallen which Jace chose,then the last one that we all agreed on was Columbiana.

We obviously can't share a room with Jace so I decided that the girls and I will be in my room while Jace gets the guest room.

So right now the girls are preparing in my room and I'm helping Jace with his room for the weekend.

"So you still thinking about it?",Jace says.

"Thinking about what?",I simply say as I throw the extra pillows on the carpet.

"Being my girlfriend",he says.

"Well I never really thought you were serious",I say as I walk towards the sliding doors to close the curtains.

"You know that I do like you so why are you like this?",he says as he gets into bed.

I walk towards him and reach him I then say,"You think you like me that way but you probably don't. And why would I want a temporary relationship?"

I get up but he pulls me down quickly that i have come face to face with him,I can feel him warm breath. His lips are inches from mine and my wrist in his hand.

"I don't simply like you and you don't know it. I have feelings for you and I know you feel the same way".he says

I don't believe this,maybe I'm dreaming. Why doesn't he just kiss me now. I would literally be happy about it.

"With pleasure",he says then removes his hand from my wrist onto my waist and uses the other to hold my cheek as he crashes his lips gently onto mine.
Holy cow. His lips are warm. You know those butterflies that girls usually feel,I'm feeling them right now but more. Even those sparks are nothing compared to what I feel right now.

I put my hand on his cheek as I respond to the kiss.

He slowly gets into a sitting position without pulling away from the kiss.

After a while,we pull away to catch our breaths.

"I can't believe that just happened",i say.

"Took me long enough",he says with a smile.
"But why me?",I ask.
I'm honestly curious.

"I've liked you for years now and well you never seemed to notice me so I thought maybe if I dated all those girls you would but that didn't work. ",He says.
"I'm just glad I could finally do that",he says as he looks from my eyes then my lips.

I pull him into a kiss and inwardly say,"I would love to be your girlfriend".
"And I would love to be your boyfriend",he responds the pulls me by the waist.

We hear footsteps and pull away. I say good night then head out of the room. As I walk into my room and head towards my bed.

"Are you okay?",Faith asks.

"Uhm,I'm not sure of anything right now",I say starring down.

I have no idea what just happened. I literally agreed to be his girlfriend.
Of course he's not my first boyfriend but he's different.
My first kiss was never like this but I wish it was.
I want to be happy and I am but I'm just shocked that I had all that courage.

I thought he would ask me and Faith together but he asked me first. I was hesitant but I said yes .

Christie walks out of my bathroom and comes towards us.

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